Apple is the Volkswagen of computers: Small, sleek, underpowered for the price, and originally designed by fugitive Nazi scientists.
Apple is the Volkswagen of computers: Small, sleek, underpowered for the price, and originally designed by fugitive Nazi scientists.
"I'm Dick Tracy! Take that, Pruneface!"
[Ned hits a little girl]
"Now I'm Pruneface! Take that, Dick Tracy!"
[Ned hits another little boy]
"Now I'm Prune Tracy!"
You don't want your kid to end up a ball of fingers, like Steve Forbes.
"Meatballs will never exist again."
Jacqueline's backstory is worth it almost solely because Gil Birmingham is so great as her father, and he gets better and better jokes that he nails every time as the season progresses.
Well Jacqueline's backstory isn't any more implausible than Jenna Maroney being an Ashkenazi Jew with an extra Y-chromosome who grew up in the backwoods of Florida.
I see your D'Fwan and raise you a Dr. Surgeon General Spaceman.
She really should hit someone with a toaster for that blunder.
Romney's nephew-son: "There's no amount of money that could get African-Americans to vote for us."
D'Fwan forgot his catchphrase!
Most of her isn't even old enough to be a mother, let alone a grandmother.
You doubt that sweet Laurel Canyon sound?
I see the Snyderization of the DC Universe continues unabated.
Not all of Indiana is as sophisticated as Pawnee. Most of it really is as bad as this show portrayed it to be.
"Death had to take him sleeping, for if The Sisko had been awake there would have been a fight."
I can only say this: of all the movie producers I have encountered in my travels, he was the most… human.
Yes it's true.
"I don't really care for that term 'douche bag'. People throw it around like crazy these days, like it's suddenly okay. You know what else people say now? 'Suck it'. I was watching TV the other night, 8:30, the middle of prime time. Kids could be watching. Guy says, 'Suck it.' Everybody's laughing. Ha, ha, ha! How is…
I don't see it as a movie. Maybe a Robot Chicken sketch?
The tie-in is that he named one of them Mr. Pricklepants.