[IMPD continues doing absolutely nothing]
[IMPD continues doing absolutely nothing]
They also accept bags of cocaine.
"Come on! They have one female servicing a large group of males. That implies a species that lays eggs."
Good, the NYPD needs more training videos for its officers.
[Looks at header image] Still more realistic looking than Amy Pascal's hair.
I assume that every movie producer has Wolfram & Hart on retainer.
The Book of Ranger is one of the non-canonical parts of the New Testament.
That toupee is a hero! It recieved a Purple Heart in Tek War II.
Justice, Canadian police drama-style.
Upvoted and downvoted? You're tearing me apart, Lisa jyh!
"I have seen an Israeli this upset since the Six Days Wars."
Yeah, who cares about getting the approval of random strangers on the internet? [Obsessively checks upvote count]
The Shat in the Hat
Default? The two sweetest words in the English language! De-FAULT! De-FAULT! De-FAULT!
Isn't Haim Saban the indie rocker with permanent bass face?
Really? What's it like?
"KHHHAAAANNNN!" - Haim Saban
Could you lend me a jar of love?
The title of 'Sexiest Vulcan Alive' is passed on to Lt. Selar.
Also part of the Vulcan way? Being dicks to The Sisko.