
Parkgate! No, wait, Parkghazi! No, wait, it's about ethics in national park journalism!

Lighten up, Francis.

Glory to you, @avclub-f25df802e1f2a23eec2c7901b72d290d:disqus

Eloquently put, good sir.

Liz Lemon is having a party! And there ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon party ‘cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory!

That's what I get for posting at 3:00 AM without Altavista-ing first.

"A terminal case of ♪Get-me-to-the-front-of-the-line-at-Six-Flags ♪!"

R.I.P. NBC Sitcoms:

No, I am not also Rappin' Jake Sisko

EDIT: Nice to see show that Indiana will eventually be has been dragged into the 21st century (kicking and screaming) and finally legalized gay marriage.

"That sapphire has the power to activate the Cuban Missile Crisis!"

New England Patriots: "None of our players are aliens."

Pawnee City Council President Brandi Maxx, star of 11,000 adult films in the past 5 years.

"And my newest character, Sgt. Thunderfist. M.D."

"I betcha Leela's holding out for a nice guy with one eye."

Orin - Gary Alienating, incomprehensible and you shouldn't be anywhere near it after dark.

Well, compared to the rest of Indiana, Columbus definitely has a sense of style, but I'm willing to admit me thinking it's 'cool' comes from a love of Mid-Century Modern architecture.

I was hating it way before it was cool.

If they all got together to record a 'We Are The World'-style single called 'Fuck Comcast', there wouldn't be a person in the country opposing them.

The AV Club