Can we permanently call it “The Why House”? now?
Can we permanently call it “The Why House”? now?
An overly
caffeinatedcoked-up man in love with his ownlegendscotch bottle.
Let’s just clear one part of this story up right quick.
Bannon always looks like that monster from “The Thing” is right about to jump out of him.
I’m so tired of calling out people for little mistakes. You call a team by the wrong name, or call your wife by her sister’s name during sex one time and it’s like the end of the world.
That woman in there isn’t giving the guy a blow job. She is merely getting on her knees to see if someone REALLY IS wearing deck shoes in 2017.
The internet had so much potential once. Then people got to use it...
“Blah blah blah, I’m a racist with no contextual knowledge of history, blah blah blah”. Educate yourself you asshole.
Antonio: “Damn, how does this keep happening? I mean, I got fixed!”
I’m rooting for it to fail. I like when things people love with irrational fervor disappear forever.
I worked in a white collar crime unit and I can tell you from lots of experience that thinking about it rationally will get you nowhere near an explanation. The “he wouldn’t steal because he already has money” theory has no basis in reality for these kinds of things. People with significant incomes and apparent…
Indiana Jones and the Chinese Box Office
For me, the most entertaining part of this was the ad that played beforehand:
I just can’t wait to get this back out of bank machines ...
this situation has the faint stink of the current “the problem’s not the administration’s many many documented ties to Russia, the problem is that these ties were leaked” issue we’re facing. Power really does not like having truth spoken to it.
No. It means he doesn’t want to go on the record to provide any more ammunition to police and prosecutors.
This differs though from the Brady case in that Brady’s case wasn’t criminal. In this case, cooperating with the NFL could have possibly resulted in charges brought against him by the state. It’s basically a private entity that is threatening you into foregoing your Fifth Amendment rights. That’s precisely why the…
Not every day the skinniest lady in all of Wisconsin gives you a peck on the top of the head.
Hurling historians claim the game is at least 800 years old, and they have balls that old to prove it.
She’s got the Innsmouth Look.