
There needs to be a Nobel Prize for Cutting Through Bullshit.

How many customers remind you of Patrick Bateman?

Nope, marketing synergy.

Looks like elf diarrhea.

At least now some people will know the dangers of sticking their head in a metal box and filling it with a foamy, expanding, hard-drying epoxy. I’ve been making a big deal out of this for years and no one pays any attention.

Sorry I only got one-third through before I aborted.

That is a great metaphor and one, unfortunately, I can identify with.

It looks like whatever he has as genitalia fold into a fourth dimension, like some weird, slimy Klein bottle.

This will be over quickly.

This is why I could never vote for her.

The problem though (and I don’t want to suggest that it is insurmountable) is how a sufficiently large and self-policing group of non-state actors could provide the stability requisite for cryptocurrencies to be viable. Markets are very unlikely to throw up solutions to collective action problems of this kind—that’s

This is a good observation. People who took Econ 101 and that’s about it and people with overly narrow techno-wonky outlooks don’t pay attention sufficiently to all the “non-quantifiable” forms of institutional power that make currencies and others of their fetishes (in the anthropological sense!) like “the market”

Or sound out a long word.

Could also manage to dress them so they don’t look like a bunch of guys in a band called ‘FunTIMEZ’ who play novelty songs at middle school assemblies in the local area and turn out to be a crack team of child molesters.

It’s all too real. It has a noticeable gravity well.

Or after getting bored and lonely turns it into a Porglight.

Yes. And liberals will welcome the opportunity Republicans and their helpers are providing them to detoxify themselves (right out of any semblance of power).

This ‘drip, drip, drip’ will continue against the Dems regardless of what Conyers does. If the Republicans and their helpers run out of real charges against Dems, they will fabricate anonymous ones that get picked up and laundered through a bunch of “news” sites and then become “fact.”

Someone let them know that what really gets your testosterone up is stabbing yourself repeatedly in the eyes with a frozen piece of your own shit.

-I’d like an autograph, and maybe a selfie!