
Why one spine but two heads? Did they have a coupon?

Its just a way for Bezos to more easily hunt people and eat their primary genitalia.

Ambiguous genitive for the win.


I want a Margaret Atwood reality show.



They only get to redefine glass if Pluto gets to be a planet again.

That anyone is surprised by this shows just how much liberals are prone to licking the boots of any military authority who manages to maintain a veneer of character. There is nothing about rising to a high rank in the military that should lead anyone to think that that person has integrity, honor, or a long-term view.

That anyone is surprised by this shows just how much liberals are prone to licking the boots of any military authority who manages to maintain a veneer of character. There is nothing about rising to a high rank in the military that should lead anyone to think that that person has integrity, honor, or a long-term view.

Or boxing gloves on the feet and roller skates on the hands.

Do you think that every so often, for just half a second, the whole studio blinks away giving the audience an Event Horizon view of the neverending, self-perpetuating holocaust of pain and suffering that is their new reality now that Megan Kelly has eaten their souls? I bet they do.

Oh boy I can’t wait for those amazing insights into the human condition to start rolling in with this one.

Lithium battery explosions, do your stuff!

Why not? You could build one of these to tauntaunt them.

Well, then, it seems he’s so dumb he doesn’t know how dumb he is. Good job, Lt. Dunning-Kruger.


It will feature an animatronic Michael Jackson dressed up in a Jared from Subway Halloween costume.

Democratic GOTV efforts should be restricted to only those voters who can explain the significance of Duverger’s law. 

This ^