
Fuck you big business bag licker 

It never recovered after Fleming left.

I assume that giving Zach Snyder any money at this point is yet another one of Hollywood’s ridiculous accounting practices so they can always claim a loss.

Sometimes you have to put out actual trash in order to maintain appearances.

And now I’m daydreaming up a zombie apocalypse show that consists of Boyd Crowder and Raylan Givens exchanging zingers while offing zombies and managing to outwit or outdraw every villain who enters the story between them.

Has he tried not being a cunt?

The whole gig food delivery economy seems doomed to fail

Sounds about white.

The best antenna is always the old fashioned rooftop antenna.  An amplifier on that might help, but if you’re near a ham radio operator, two-way radio system, or worse yet an illegal CB operator - you may have intermittent signal loss when they transmit due to ZERO filtering in those TV amplifiers.  And don’t be

“She quickly realized that insurance is, in fact, a scam”

Stick to sports.

The universe hates us, that's why we can't have nice things.

The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.

Been watching F1 regularly since 1989 or 1990. Halfway through this season I was already bored. The points margins have been getting more and more silly. After a certain point the other teams just stop and “think about next year”. And I find Max generally unlikable.

15 Wins, 15 Poles, 10 Fastest Laps with two Different Drivers and better livery

We don’t.

Freedom of speech give him the ability to say what he wants and live with the repercussions of that speech. My freedom includes criticism of his speech


The “Let’s Go Brandon Sticker” tells me that the seller isn’t very bright. Owning & operating a jet-powered car is probably one of many bad decisions.

Atomic Batteries to Power. Turbines to Speed!!!