
This thing is dope. For under $5k if you don’t think this thing is worth buying, then you don’t really like cars. 

You can be anti Bill Willingham and anti “Big Mean Corporation™”.

Trump added $8 trillion to our National debit.

I think it’s required to be petty about this. The orange lardass motherfucker tried to take over the country by sicking the Egg McMuffin Mafia on the Capitol.

C’mon Man, this is Gizmodo, not the BBC. 

That look on his face...the glowering incomprehension. I could just see his walnut-sized brain trying to grasp what’s going on: ‘I should be dictator! I HAVE to join the Putin & Xi club! Fat Lil’ Kim did it! Modi did it to India! Netanyahu did it to Israel! I should’ve had my turn in the Putin & Xi club!’

If she hadn’t been “rescued,” DeSantis would have to tell the story with a deadpan tone

If that were true, surely her name should be Panny not Penny

Fuck you.

Forgot about Jan 6th, did you?

My big heavy EV weighs less than my last ICE car. 

He and his weak ego get owned constantly. 

Call them bigots and traitors. Because they are. 

TL;DR version:

Dude- if there is one thing, its that you’re very reliable. Reliable at posting the fucking dumbest shit on here. Why don’t you do everyone a favor and close your account and bug off to “Infowars” or whatever places you oxygen wasting pieces of shit go to.

We need to rename the word “ Conservative” because its more like “ Asshole”. Because literally anything and everything that comes out of conservatives, conservatives leader and conservative states are all mean, nasty, intentionally ugly and 100% based on revenge. Fuck them. 

So all the bootlicking Elon Musk did, didn’t do him a darn bit of good.

Every GOP policy these days seems to start with the questions “What would an asshole do in this situation” and “Does this help big corporations and if not how can I alter it so it does?”  In this case, big oil.

It’s literally cultural imperialism. “Instead of deciding to learn about the language and naming sense of another place, I’ve decided to INSIST that my way is the only way, FOREVER.” This line of thinking is what made people institute name changes at Ellis Island. What possible defense could there be for this.

I understand that this name means something in the language in which the story was written, but I’ve decided to mispronounce it on purpose,” is... really nasty actually? Like... think about what you’re saying, don’t be an ugly American about this.