
If you can find it (or live near the distillery), Buffalo Trace makes a Bourbon Cream that is incredible in hot cocoa.

Disagree on the categorization of Pop-Tart (and also Uncrustables and other variants). Calzones, raviolis, dumplings, etc are one surface rolled onto itself. A Pop-Tart is two surfaces pressed together. I understand the argument that they are all enclosed in starch but it seems to me that a Pop-Tart is just a sandwich

You forgot to put “religion freedom” in quotes... .

I was an RK fan and was crushed when he had that accident. It didn’t look like there was any way he was going to survive that.



So stop covering trash.

Neko Case: “Curse their Yankee candies.”
Adam Felber: “They’re as flinty and indestructible as the candies they carry.”

“Dr. Poblete holds a B.A., an M.A, and a Ph.D. in International Relations with regional concentrations in the Western Hemisphere and the Middle East.”

I work for one of the 10 largest banks in the world, and I will rewrite your headline for you: “Banks Are Probably Charging You Fees for Your Paper Statements”

When I moved to Rhode Island, I read a thread on a bulletin board about directions using places that used to be there. The example went something like “left at where Almacs used to be, go a bit and turn right where Ann and Hope was, then straight past where Apex was and you’ll be right there”

Did The Ocho lose the rights? WTF?

DON’T PUT ICE IN YOUR WHISKEY YOU NEANDERTHAL. Drink it straight up like a real man, and then put a couple drops of room temperature water in it to see how the flavors change. “Ice cold” is for drinks you don’t want to taste, like Coors Light.

DON’T PUT ICE IN YOUR WHISKEY YOU NEANDERTHAL. Drink it straight up like a real man, and then put a couple drops of

Looking a little thick there, dude. Maybe you should lay off the chili.

I have those and they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Just learn to drink your whisky at room temp with a few drops of water. Cold kills the flavor anyway; just ask Coors.

I have those and they’re more trouble than they’re worth. Just learn to drink your whisky at room temp with a few

Because that’s the point of it. Didn’t you take Civics?

That whole thing was totally Vettel’s fault. There was no reason for him to move so aggressively to left except to try an intimidate Max. Vettel was way off the racing line, and you could see it when he had to move so dramatically to the right to get back on the line to take the first turn. Completely Vettel’s fault

Dallas Cowboys Owner: Do you gentlemen have any idea how difficult it is to operate the greatest brand in sports?
Joe: You own the New England Patriots, too?

Christ, what an asshole. Is there a factory somewhere where these fucktards are churned out?

Really? Of course he fucking did. He is and always has been a fucking douche bag. Not to put anything to it, but my dad knew him and I talked to him a few times and even as a 12-15 year old I knew he was garbage. He should burn in hell with Pence and Trump.