This fucker needs the chair now.
This fucker needs the chair now.
Love my Tablo. And it gets better with every update.
Love my Tablo. And it gets better with every update.
And you missed Ay-thens (Athens)
No - it’s Lou-ah-ville. Where the heck do you hear Lewis-ville?
1. Crunchberry.
Haha. You’re hilarious! Tell me the one about “clean coal”!
I was at CMU in 1990 and renting an apartment in a stone building that was as black as the Carnegie. When I went back for my 5 year reunion and I didn’t even recognize the neighborhood where I used to live. Almost every building had been cleaned and it was astonishing. Between pictures of Pittsburgh in the 80's and LA…
Here’s a favorite of mine:
“President Asshat” ? That’s just lazy. Find some better ones here:
I don’t understand why people don’t see that this is exactly why trickle-down, supply-side economics never works.
Compared to this clown, GWB looks like a fucking genius. And I hate to be put in the position of defending that clown.
airliner =/= airline
This guy flips more than a cat with butter on its back.
I can vouch for the RTIC soft cooler. It has two inches of insulating foam all the way around and will keep ice frozen for 3 days. I also have the hard cooler and it’s even better (but very heavy).
I can vouch for the RTIC soft cooler. It has two inches of insulating foam all the way around and will keep ice…
Last week I saw LCNSPL8. I LOLed.
Be aware if you have one of those plugs with a hinged closer, this is not flat enough to allow the closer to lie flat. This from personal experience. It is otherwise a great adapter and this is a good price.
Be aware if you have one of those plugs with a hinged closer, this is not flat enough to allow the closer to lie…
Box wines are great for camping. When you’re done, throw the box in the fire and all you have to carry out is a lightweight plastic bag. Four empty bottles are bulky and weigh a lot. I like Bota and Big House the best
You need to clarify that you’re talking about GWB not GHWB...
Nobody calls it Ale-8 One.... Nice try though