
I like big BUTs and I cannot lie...

It reminds me of grade school when we’d play soccer at recess, and when they was a goal a bunch of people would switch sides so they could say they were on the winning team.

“All that needs to be said about this is that it really, really sucks for OKC.”

Sure, I still remember the 2003-04 (I think) Lakers that were supposed to be the greatest team of all time, only to fall right on their butts. One of my favorite sports memories. Fuck the Lakers.

I dunno; this instance of dick-shooting sounds reasonably ethical to me.

In a related story, words lost all meaning today...

You mean, Out of his whatever.

She’s angrier than usual? Holy crap.

Wingnuts sure do enjoy slapping slavery metaphors on modern African-Americans. Almost makes you suspect there’s a certain amount wish-fulfillment going on, yes?

I dunno. People keep speculating the Trump has dementia and Sarah Palin has a drinking and/or drug problem. But isnt it at least as possible that they all just really are that stupid and mean and horrible?

Didn’t Princess Dumbfuck shut that operation down, because making a few self-serving videos to upload a month turned out to be too much work for her?

Yeah. Most authors don’t risk imprisonment in a North Korean labor camp to tell their stories.

I’m sure they’re too busy being upset about puppy-eyed swimmers getting sentenced to six whole months in prison for raping someone.

Oh yeah, that was harrowing. It was like the memoirs of Stalinism in that people kept disappearing, only it was because they were starving to death.

Still, I have added it to my “Stuff I gotta read” list.

“You aren’t going to die if you have to read 4 books not by a white dude.”

Ooo, do you remember the title (and/or author)?

“No, Governor Brewer, I will not pull your finger...”

Why won’t libruls tolerate our intolerance *stamps foot* ???1!?!1!??!!

Anyway, since Warren has admitted what she was told by her family wasn’t true, what would be the point of her taking a DNA test?