Also, you know what’s great from cleaning up the mess afterwards? Angry badgers and spitting cobras.
Also, you know what’s great from cleaning up the mess afterwards? Angry badgers and spitting cobras.
The important thing to remember is than Glenn Beck never once denied raping and murdering someone in the ‘90s. So for all we know, Glenn Beck very possibly did rape and murder someone in the ‘90s.
Well, at least they’re not saying ‘Hitlery’.
Does he call ‘em ‘Muslims’, or ‘Moslems’ like my father-in-law does?
He used dingbats’ votes to get the nomination, and if there are enough of them, he’ll ride dingbats all the way to the White House...
Still, I wish Mick would sic his scariest lawyers on il Douche until the next song he appropriates is “Turd on the Run”.
Except that it has ‘black’ right there in the title.
It was there this morning (and I re-tweeted it), but it’s been deleted. I wonder what happened.
I got the worst purple nurple after I tweeted that his beard looks funny.
Yo, Lou: I was born here but all the same: Fuck Notre Dame, and fuck your shit-ass birthday.
If it happens in the next 4-8 years, definitely Hillary’s.
I like “Mama Grisly”, myself.
Plus there’s a good chance Dr. King would still be around to tell us himself what he thinks about all this is he hadn’t been killed by a racist white guy with a gun.
Well, everyone knows the only thing Dr. King ever said was that one soundbite about the content of one’s character.
Yeah, it may not be a pleasant word, but you’d think they’d know how to spell ‘Klansman’.
But... but... they’re European, and therefore by definition our superiors in soccer. Ooops, sorry, “football”.
Ronaldo is a true champion because he got out of his teammates’ way, while Messi played 120 minutes and blew it for his team.
I’d expect so. Countries with lots of women in leadership tend to be in better shape. It’s reasonable to guess that would be so for industries, too.