The Oilers.
The Oilers.
Compared to Trump/Cruz/Rubiobot, she is electability personified.
Yeah, but this randomly kidnapping a guy at gunpoint is the sort of thing that happens in South and Central America. But hey, at least corporations and billionaires don’t have to pay a lot of taxes, right?
Well, going through life with a name like Dickman will probably leave a person pretty damn misanthropic, with a dark, twisted sense of humor...
Or, if she did do it, something like AXE MURDERERS FOR TRUMP.
Good. Fuck that thieving fucker.
Never forget that Donald Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Trump sweeping the USFL up in his megalomania is the reason we don’t have football year round.
Good. Fuck the Butt Thunder, and fuck Oklahoma Shitty.
Surely Pey-Man recognizes that Father Time stuck his taint and butthole in his face at least a year or so ago.
Huge dicks who LOST.
They tried two bye weeks in the 1992 season. There was even less continuity to the season than usual, and they never did it again.
And Donald Trump ruined it. White dudes thinking of voting for Captain Combover should never, ever forget that he’s the reason we don’t have football year round.
“Likewise, I don’t get why so many people bitch about the Pro Bowl. If you don’t like it, just don’t watch the freaking game.”
I’ll give it a try: While I agree she was out of line, in my opinion firing her is excessive. I don’t know if I’m outraged, but I think it’s a shame.
It’s not that they can’t read; they just don’t.
“It’s the concept of executive orders, which the Repubs have taken a recent super hard stance against”
I knew this wasn’t one of Haisey’s when I saw that it was about an MLS guy doing something good.
Right. If guns make people safer, shouldn’t we already be the safest fucking country there’s ever fucking been?
Of course, if Stabby McGee there had had better access to guns, those 6 people would all be dead.