Now, I thought everyone outside of Oklahoma hated Oklahoma, because Oklahoma.
Now, I thought everyone outside of Oklahoma hated Oklahoma, because Oklahoma.
As long as we’re making predictions based strictly on what happened yesterday, it looks like anyone who runs into the Cardinals is dead meat. Dammit.
And remember that, with sandwiches as with much else, a little marinara sauce goes a looooooooonnnnnnnnggg way.
I like how the Slurs’ players and coaches are all going around with “Division Champion” hats like they accomplished some mighty feat.
Is there any chance the Eagles think they’re a CFL team? It would explain why they aren’t playing defense on third down.
“For the Win”.
I had a student, and therefore not an old, who thought FTW stood for “F the World”.
And how many monuments to the people who created the US are there in the UK? Not many, I’m guessing.
“I really should be heading home, but I feel like it’s rude to leave before Joe shoves the chair leg up his kiester...”
Cripes, deserves a medal of honor just for living through that.
Onion = most overrated vegetable of all time.
It’s understandable: Haisley puts so much time into putting out his own bad opinions, you can’t expect him to stay current on other people’s.
As it is, we usually get the Chargers. But if they become the local team, there will be even more restrictions on what can be shown opposite them. And two shitty teams with two sets of restrictions will make Sundays unwatchable.
1) “We” is first person plural, not third person plural (= “they”).
I thought a “hot take” was an overly hasty, emotianally-driven assertion, not the simple, obvious truth. Pirlo wasn’t even close to being the best player on his rather lousy expansion team.
“a Los Angeles citizenry that didn’t even ask for ONE shit team, let alone two.”
Context suggests it’s a euphemism for “emitted a tsunami of the most fetid shit imaginable”.
Santa Claus?