Right. With the Raiders it’s like Darth Vader didn’t die but went on to become an incontinent, senile old dodderer.
Right. With the Raiders it’s like Darth Vader didn’t die but went on to become an incontinent, senile old dodderer.
So who’s so clueless and so callous that they wouldn’t be worried he might die/be crippled on the field?
In honor of their logo, I prefer to call them the Flaming Thumb Tacks.
Sure. The actual reason the LA football team(s) will fail is that whoever they turn out to be - Chargers, Raiders, Rams - will suck a mind-boggling quantity and variety of ass.
More like a 6-1 start but ending at 9-7, is my guess.
And at the risk of a postumous stabbing/haunting, isn’t it perfectly obvious to freaking everyone that dude couldn’t carry Dostoevsky’s gambling IOUs?
So, continuing with his acting like Keef schtick, then?
Fascism makes the trains run on time AND neat as a pin.
It’s also an example that, while the officiating is not consistent, people’s reasons for complaining about the officials are also not consistent.
Wow, you’ve managed to make the crappy officiating seem not so bad.
But that line of thinking leads to the refs failing to penalize K. J. Wright for batting the ball out of the end zone, which, as we all remember, was worse than Hitler and Nickleback combined.
And I still maintain the scab refs didn’t mess that play up. Their error was to award possession of a ball held by both players to the one on offense, as the rule book states, rather than to the one on the more popular team, as the sports media demanded. Naturally the league couldn’t have that.
(Checks urbandictionary) Oh myyyyy.
They just felt they needed a reminder that, no matter how many points one team may be ahead, it’s not over, any more than it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
Seriously. Have you seen footage of the guy talking? There is definitely something not right about him.
I want a giant fucking pyramid. I suppose I should get a start on hiring the army of laborers to build it. I’ll just tell ‘em they’ll get paid after I croak.
Don’t stop believing!
No way. A guy in P-Manning’s position/condition will want to play for an organization with the deepest concern for their players’ well being. Peyton Manning: Ram tough!
I’m gonna go with “That’s the joke”.