Now, what I heard was that his porno started off strong, but it kind of fell off towards the end.
Now, what I heard was that his porno started off strong, but it kind of fell off towards the end.
Most universities have several things they’re known for.
“Go to any bathroom and the #1 thing scratched into the stall is a swastika.”
Yep, that is a big part of the Rams’ act. I guess they figure they have to be that chippy, or they’d go 5-11 instead of their usual 7-9.
Well, except for Pontius Pilate and a bloodthirsty Jerusalem mob.
But not Gggesus, man.
And he cut a woman just to leave a sponge in her head.
Blessed are the noisily butthurt, for all the attention shall be theirs.
At least the Vikings ended up winning the game. If the Rams had gained a big enough competitive advantage from hurting Bridgewater to steal a game that wasn’t going their way, it would have been an even bigger scandal.
I’d like to recall the line from August’s “Why Your Team Sucks” for the Bills that called Incognito “the football player equivalent of the Confederate flag.” Damn, but that was sweet.
Oh goody, and the Dolphins sucked shit today. That means Sexy Rexy will now be even more full of himself, if such a thing is possible.
When a player is injured by such an an obviously dirty play, the guy who injured him should be suspended for at least as long as he’s out.
The relationship of his statements to reality is tenuous at best - just like St. Ronnie!
When I was like 11 or 12 I read an article in a magazine like Newsweek that had a reference to teenagers playing games in the nude. So I pictured naked teenage boys and girls playing basketball. I figured it must have been boys against girls, because otherwise how could they tell who was on which team?
Now I’m picturing a naked man and woman, she clapping her hands, he playing an accordion. Why doesn’t the woman have the accordion, you may ask? I dunno; probably no reason why it couldn’t be that way, if they’re into that sort of thing.
Sorry, I was trying to refer to Hucklenuts’ contention that zygotes are full citizens.
He does look more ghoulish by the day, doesn’t he?
I believe the key word there for the purposes of this discussion is born.
In fairness, there can just never be enough sprots.