Ah, so that’s the answer to the question, “Who sharted?”
Ah, so that’s the answer to the question, “Who sharted?”
It’s the ghost of (original) Browns fans’ joy, love of sport, etc., etc.
I’d like to give her props for admitting the policy was discriminatory and making Eason’s case that much more airtight. I hope she did that on purpose.
Sandra Bullock costarring with buses? Been done. I think it was called, “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.”
“why are people with severe phobias allowed to have guns?”
I guess Haisley can talk about Turkish league without taking a big, greasy dump all over it the way he does with MLS because of its extraordinary integrity.
I read somewhere that in his yoot, the future prez did a spot-on impression of Mick Jagger. I hope he’ll dust that off some day before too long.
The obsession with out loud public prayer is all about establishing a privilged status for a particular variey of religious expression in public discourse. As others have pointed out, would the Liberty Counsel go to bat for someone who wanted to offer Muslim prayers at a public school event? ‘Tis to make Zeus laugh!
E., according to the people who were dumb enough to invade Iraq.
Dude, if you’re seriously going this route, what do you call the quarterback with his groin pressed against the center’s buttocks?
Sweet-ass goal. And if, as appears likely, the Galaxy can’t win the Cup this year, I just hope DCU doesn’t. Not that I’m still bitter over ‘96 or anything. Still, fuck Eddie Pope.
Maybe not publicly, but it’s well documented that Truman, Lyndon Johnson, and Nixon could have each made a very solid showing in a cussing contest with a group of longshoremen.
I’d just like to remind everyone that there’s still time to repeal the 22nd amendment. Seems worth pointing out here.
Once, in the late ‘70s, Freddie Solomon (a WR) played some QB in a game with the 49ers, if I remember right.
Exactly. It’s not the very best soccer there is, but it’s soccer, and it’s here, rather than on the other side of the planet.
And the dump was by far the most productive part of that session.
Agreed; it seemed like a pretty servicable joke and I’m a bit puzzled that it required this much explanation, argument, and hashing over. But, you know, the internet.
Hot take: If that means fewer concussions and former players suffering dementia in their 50s, is that such a bad thing?
I’m sure he sincerely didn’t mean to come across as a bigot. Look what a kind and friendly face he has.