She became famous by being the attractive wife of a supremely mediocre NFL quarterback who is the younger brother of an above average NFL quarterback. #meritocracy
She became famous by being the attractive wife of a supremely mediocre NFL quarterback who is the younger brother of an above average NFL quarterback. #meritocracy
Yes she can. It’s America! Anyone can be ANYTHING here, including a complete idiot!
Politics aside, conservatives are often the nicest people you’ll ever meet in person. Until, of course, you spend too much time around them and refuse to conform to their beliefs. I live in Texas. It’s true!
Man I thought Kara was JOKING so I looked her up on Wikipedia and...yep. O-M-G.
He seems like a nice guy. That said, Huckabee seemed really cool whenever he was on Jon Stewart. Perhaps it’s the same syndrome- an Evangelical you could bring to a cocktail party.
Have you ever been to Spain? To the Spanish I look like I could be British or German or Canadian or American. When the Spanish learn that I am American they will say the equivalent of, “Thank God you’re not German or British.”
In truth I think only Cruz is the only smart one in that bunch but he pretends not to be. I think Ryan is always puffed up to be smart but his “plans” and ideas are always pretty lightweight. Walker reminds me of Dubya, but without the charm.
I don’t get that. Why not a pilot? An engineer? A nurse? They don’t have any background in politics either.
In a weird way, I respect Carson more because he is what he is and isn’t pretending to be anything else. Fiorina is posing as a successful business women when in fact she destroyed a company and then ran one of the most impotent campaigns in the history of campaigns. I wouldn’t put her in charge of a 7/11 and yet she…
It’s not simply just a bad quote. That is how he thinks, and it should scare you if you are a woman or care about women.
Scott Walker’s responses to questions when he’s all “oh people told me this is a problem,” is the equivalent of the times a relative has told me to go on a diet because “someone saw you in public and said you look fat, but I can’t tell you who, just someone, you don’t know them, trust me.” Except none of my relatives…
The wall is going to be pretty useful for Canada when Walker is president and American workers start trying to cross over into Canada for work and healthcare.
Our bridges are failing, we don’t have the funding to fight forest fires, there are wide swathes of this country that can’t get broadband and this guy thinks we’re going to build a wall?
I have heard the idea that one benefit of the increasing diversity of the American electorate is that someone like a Trump (or even a Reagan) couldn’t win a national election anymore. Obama lost the white vote nearly 60-40 in 2012 and still won comfortably. And whoever the Republican nominee is would have to win more…
Also: Voting for him proves you are not racist, even though you hate the Muslim Kenyan who most recently stole the election.
Vote these assholes back into the dark ages where they want to be, people.
ladies and gentlemen, the master race
The physical and mental inferiority of white supremacists is never not hilarious.