
I don’t see Rivers being punched, but I do see him throwing another one of his fits. Must be nice to be white and be able to throw fits and never be called on it.

Philip Rivers? I’ll allow it.

What’d Gruden do, run a formation Harbaugh was unprepared for?

Harbaugh probably wishes this all happened off the record, you know, like on an elevator.

It’s worth it when they lose.

You cant really compare the two. When I see the suggs hit I feel like " damn idk about that" and when I see that pile driver from last night I feel like " WTF, MAN SHITS CRAZY!!11!!" .... See, the whole world is based off of my reactions, and my reactions were not the same, so you can not compare.

In what world ISN’T that bullying? The reporter is in a lose-lose situation. He has no way to win. Harbaugh gets to play the “I’m a tough football coach, yo. GTFO here with that shit,” act. The reporter has none of that luxury. He has to just sit back and take it at the risk of appearing “unprofessional.”

There aren’t as many deaths in vehicle accidents as there are cars, but we regulate the shit out of cars.

A gun simply will not protect you if you’re caught off-guard, which is generally the only situation in which having a gun at the ready might protect you. When Gabby Giffords was shot, the shooter was tackled by an unarmed man, while a man even closer who had a sidearm instinctively ducked... as anyone would.

I hate this fucking American arms race. It makes me feel so unsafe and trapped. I don’t feel like I can, say, knock on the door of the unfamiliar neighbor who’s playing their music too loud because hey, they could have a gun. Are we all supposed to cart around weapons wherever we go, to protect ourselves from other

Also, he may experience depression. And having a gun in the house when depressed makes for an all too easy suicide.

I’m pretty anti gun but I understand individual rights etc. My two big issues are (1) why in the world does anyone need an assault rifle and (2) the idea that background checks are somehow unconstitutional.

Angry, abusive, and threatening. The type of people who SHOULDN’T have guns.

So until there are 300 million deaths we should stfu?

I incorrectly identified him as a correctional officer. He was actually the Colorado DOC Chief. That actually makes it more frightening.

Very true. As was the security guard killed in a NYC a couple of weeks ago. He simply had no time to react.

Now we can retort “Well, the sheriff in Texas was armed...” but of course they'll have an excuse for that.

Gun nuts are so fucking scary, you guys. I live in a blue state and went to a gun law forum after Sandy Hook.

Hey! Assholes out there threatening to kill a man who just lost his daughter! You’re proving his point!

Highly agree. “Virginia shooting Victim’s Father now Scared for his own Saftey”