
If your “beliefs” cause unjustified suffering, you shouldn’t be allowed to use that neutral sounding word.

You know what? As a gay person who’s been subjected to repeated legal discrimination—including being blocked from marrying my partner of over a decade until a couple of months ago, being subject to a ban on LGBT adoption, having to hire an attorney to draft POA and hospital visitation documents just so I could see my

She's not marrying them. She just filing the goddamn paperwork.

Let me think. . . let me think. . . If I had defied a court order what would happen to me. Hold on. . . it’s coming to me. . . almost there. . .

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

Cops r damned lazy donut eaters. They can’t even hang up the phone right.

“I felt incredulous that people who are in uniform, on the job, and trusted with protecting the public could express so much contempt for women,” she said. “The misogyny is horrifyingly casual...”

Why do women even bother getting breast implants, when all you have to do is eat fish and chips?

What, in the right kind of bad mood, am I utterly convinced every random man I see is saying about me as soon as I’m out of earshot? This shit.

I recall another commenter on another Gawker thread during another case of police excessive force in the recent past described a number of officers as “C- students in High School who would have been kicked off the football team due to a lack of discipline.”

If this sort of thing keeps up, I’m going to start suspecting that police officers don’t have adequate respect for other people’s bodies.

My bar for cop behavior is set so low at this point that I’m actually a little impressed with #2 offering the mildest imaginable rebuttal.

White guy has far more respect/love for dogs than women. Startling.

I choose to believe that the baby talk was not directed at a dog, but at the unidentified officer, with whom Farnam has a very weird relationship.

Smith, a deputy in the department under Schirard ran on a platform of reforming the department ethically.

Guns in their hands when they can’t even work a phone right. Might want to rethink that.

Since you didn’t specify which one, I assume that’s a blanket statement.

Joey, that's fine with me as long as none of them play Nickelback.

And still the least offensive thing to come out of that team in a long time.

More like ‘Poke-A-Hot-Ass’ amirite?