
The quarterback hates his life, everyone hates the team, and the head coach is publicly responding to fat jokes made at his expense.

“and it’s our job as a football staff and football team to go out and change the perception of this franchise.”

I’m not saying Jay Gruden’s fat, but when he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee, he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee.

And has skin

As much as I try not to dog on teams before the start of the season, when it comes to the Redskins I always have my reservations.

More like Washington THINskins!

If he’d just learn what “corpulent” means, we wouldn’t have this problem.

At least the gut draws attention away from the racist logo on his jacket

Part of her post was right on. ESPN is all over the place with their “punishment.”

“Come on, just look at the Chiefs coach!”

“Now you know how we feel, fatass.”

Well, she attended five different colleges, but the only thing she’s studied is a Mary Kay catalog.

That was goddamned beautiful.

+1 more unplanned pregnancy

Right, stick to sports...and please bring Rush Limbaugh back as a fucking football analyst.

By picking and choosing who they’ll tolerate and who they’ll try to destroy[...]

“Stick to sports.”

“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”

“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”

She is an expert in sports journalism because she studied it at 5 different colleges.