
I haven’t heard one single thing to suggest RGIII is any more of a dick than your average NFL player, let alone your typical NFL quarterback. It’s weird. I suspect some melanin-related issue is part of it, but I don’t think that completely explains it, either.

Meh. Basically the sole justification for the Nevermores’ existence is that they help keep the fucking stealers in check.

Nice ticking time-bomb we drafted there. A lot of my fellow fans are orgasmic over his play, but let’s see if he can keep out of trouble. I mean, Rivers is a putz, but Clark seems to have a really hard time understanding that you can’t go punching people just because you think they’re a putz.

Even though he hasn’t done one single thing to act on that wish.

Sounds like what you need is a big ol’ wall along your southern border.

Hinduism has its issues, too...

“The calendar’s as fat as Jay Gruden.”

Lackadaisical to the point that they didn’t even bother checking to make sure they’d hung up the damn phone, no less.

“We’re investigating ourselves.” Hey, it was good enough for FIFA, not to mention the Catholic Church with their own kiddie-diddling problem.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to skip the one for my team, or else I’ll go like that woman who got all pissed on behalf of the Texans.

It doesn’t suck as much as Beetle Bailey.

“Why the hell is ESPN reporting this? Let alone with a link in the main section of their front page that reads like he was trying to hit a woman?”

Ohhhh, so that’s why those fucking goddamn towels are yellow, and terrible.

This is my thought, too. Preseason games should be about deciding who makes the team. The Packers were presumably expecting Jordy Nelson to be on the roster during the season, so there was really no value in having him play in a game like this in the first place.

C’mon, man, have you seen the Lions?

True. I’d say the main thing to change about preseason games is that there’s just no reason to play anyone you know is going to make the team.

“And if you do get caught, have a guy you can plausibly shift the blame onto.”

As a Seahawks fan I was heartened to see that this evening our offensive line was merely bad instead of apocalyptically horrible.

Weren’t all their name players hurt for a lot of the ‘13 season? But yeah, they’ve been pretty impressive since then.

Uh huh. But you know if anything turns up from Reddit or Buzzfeed, they will be aaaaaaaaallllllllllllll over that.