Man, that movie was almost as shitty as this story.
Man, that movie was almost as shitty as this story.
As a Galaxy fan, I found that to be easily the highlight of the whole game.
Considering half the Panamanian team was suspended, that’s pretty weak.
Forget about it, Jake. It’s CONCACAF.
Peter Vermes? Sigi Schmid?
Besides, in America and only America, Freedom means a mentally unstable walking rage-bomb’s right to carry a gun is more important than anyone else’s right not to get shot.
Hey, an article about MLS that doesn’t just knee-jerkfully shit all over it. Thanks for giving Haisley the day off!
Just try saying “Trumprupt” six times really quickly.
And each of those rings has been eligible to vote and drink for some time now!
“his three-year-old older sister, Ayala who’s probably like ‘The kid’s name is Atticus, parents. What is going on around here? Adults are crazy.’”
This is funny because I remember this segment of his some years ago where he was contrasting U of Washington and U of Florida, making fun of UW at great length and portraying them as effete, pointy-headed intellectuals for trying to maintain what must amount to a thin veneer of academic respectability to their…
It’s not the same thing, except it has to do with fans being destructive assholes: Is there any possibility of Mexico having to play closed-door matches because of their fans’ history of throwing stuff at opposing players, using laser pointers, etc?
I liked the first half of Mockingjay but thought the second half was a train wreck: Collins completely lost control of her plot or perhaps, as some other people here are suggesting, was feeling nihilistically bored with the whole thing. I don’t see any way for the movie not to be a train wreck, but then there’s no…
Has anyone ever been pwned more thoroughly than Froth-man has been pwned by Dan Savage?
This has been a greasy turd of a tournament, hasn’t it?
Klinsmann is not the genius he thinks he is.
Wasn’t Jacksonville the city Germany advised its citizens to avoid a few years ago because people visiting there kept getting shot? I can’t imagine why they’d be ashamed.
One of life’s mysteries. I only know that, if you had a team, my team would be better than those schmucks.