I once had someone call me asking about child support I supposedly owed in Indiana, which I have never set foot in. Maybe I have a whole secret family?
I once had someone call me asking about child support I supposedly owed in Indiana, which I have never set foot in. Maybe I have a whole secret family?
Nope. Religious Liberty evidently means we all have the freedom to live according to the Church of Republican Jesus’s rules.
‘Is there a gay equivalent to “Uncle Tom”?’
“Is there another sport where the self-proclaimed best team whines about having to play another good team?”
“Reporters have got to stop taking Republicans at their word when they say they have gay friends.”
Not all straight people want to be married. Nothing wrong with being a gay person who doesn’t want to be married, either. But I don’t see how a gay person would think it’s a bad thing that they have the right, if they so choose. I’ve see people believe all sorts of crazy things; that’s just definitely one of them.
And if it ends up being similarly cruel in the US’ favor on Tuesday, I will be completely okay with it.
“Was the presidential election outsourced to a failing circus?”
I have to think there’d be a long-ass line of applicants for that gig.
The comments to this confirms my impression from the aftermath of the Oscars a couple of years ago, that Seth MacFarlane fans get really upset when anyone criticizes Seth MacFarlane.
Why? Because it feels so damn good to read for those of us who agree with him. That’s why.
Now, that would be more shameful than Gigli.
Yeah, but that’s not something he did, or had any control over. It’s always the cover-up that fucks you over.
Why’s that regrettable? It has “throw” right in the name.
I’m not sure I see how that #78394 is in any way controversial.
I know he was dinged, but at the end of last season, especially that playoff game against the Colts, Manning looked seriously done.
I’m really ashamed of myself for laughing at this.
How ‘bout New Orleans? Or Mexico City, or Honolulu - they’re ripe for hockey! Hey, one of these times Atlanta’s gotta take.
Wait, she got dumped from a gig before she had the chance to quit? I’m gonna have a hard time wrapping my mind around this.
We hafta stand with our North Korean allies, doncha know.