
Phyllis Schlafly. She’s not dead but, close enough.

You’re gonna need a bigger clownier clown car.

Is there any chance the ball took some sort of bizarre bounce? Or was it really just 100% brain fart?

A little from Column A, a little from Column B...

You would have thought the ‘07 debacle would have been the wake-up call this program needs. But Greg Ryan made that all about his baffling decision to start Scurry in the semi-final on the basis of her supposed special Brazil-stopping abilities (which I’m sure he was talked into by Scurry and her buddies on the team;

If it’s politically convenient not to be a racist fuck, that actually is progress, and a good thing.

Exactly. NASCAR is a private business entity. And they made the decision that it is not in their business interests to feature a symbol with such an ugly, divisive, and hateful history. I am definitely not a NASCAR fan, but I believe this decision took some guts on their part, and I applaud them for it.

Andy Benoit is a person whose whole livelihood derives from the proposition that sitting on one’s ass watching sports is a worthwhile pastime. I gotta say, it strikes me as remarkably short-sighted on the part of such a person to crap on that notion, even in part.


People like what they like. Telling them they’re wrong to like what they like is, as you say, being a dick.

No, they play on the same size fields. Odd choice of auxiliary verbs is the source of confusion, I think.

And every once in a great while, something good comes out of that.

“Is he telling you that you can’t watch them too?”

Sounds like you need to get out more.

Is it a new thing that yellow cards from the group round carry over into the knock-out games? I don’t remember that happening before.

Ha, my year of community college Mandarin classes is paying off! It says nin hao pengyou = ‘hello friend’, just like his regular creepy sweatshirt.

As I’ve been saying after every US game this tournament: Damn, but our offense needs to get better.

I can only suppose soccer is a very difficult game to officiate well, or else we’d see it happen more often.

Really, England was higher-ranked? I’m stuck enough in the past that I thought them beating Norway was a mighty upset.

I will always treasure the memory of Buck’s on-air attack of the vapors over Randy Moss fake-mooning the Green Bay crowd.