
Octocopters are actually not that crazy of an idea (used for heavy lifting) most have eight arms or just 4 with a motor on each side like above.

Any normal car can be plugged into a battery maintainer. Perfect way in.

A friend of my father’s friend (best way to describe it) didn’t check on his wife’s car for a few years assuming she would have told him something was wrong, and that she was taking it to the oil change place. She wasn’t. It was a KIA car of some sort and went 36,000 miles without new oil and it was out of tranny

They took the bumper off so it would make it on the ramps, its on the left by the pole.

The pebble screen actually refreshes by horizontal lines. If one pixel changes that whole row updates. So constantly updating rows use less than constantly updating pillars. A sweeping second hand uses less power as it turns horizontal, and then more as it takes up more vertical space. It’s also why when a pebble

Large microbrewery made me laugh.

You can actually buy these at some auto parts stores, without the robotic bits. You get 4 little plates that pull the wheels onto them and you can move the car by hand with one handle.

They were strong around the great lakes.

While reading that I pictured an XKCD style conversation with hat guy.

It was -2 out and very windy too, I left my truck running after setting a 5 minute exposure and sat hoping no cars would come.

Facebook ruined it when they downsized it but it still looks good.

They do have a specific name, look up the Moto XT1060. That's the 2013 X. The 2013 Moto G is named the XT1032.

My two bluetooth speakers.

I have this exact radio, and I'm surprised to see someone else has one. Mine is currently a Bluetooth speaker. The easiest way to convert it is to get USB computer speakers, take the amp out, tap into the original speaker wires, wire it up to a USB power pack and use a cheap Bluetooth music dongle.

At a vacation cabin deep in the forests of Washington state, I was left with no internet. Neither Verizon nor AT&T had signal within 20 miles or so. What I did have was a set of Harmon Kardon sound sticks. Randomly placing my Moto x on the subwoofer because it looked cool, I started getting texts. Putting my phone on

My 04 Monte Carlo SS Supercharged.

The light under it is from my flashlight during a long exposure picture. I see these with oversized wings and covered in SS stickers. I have the stock supercharged package, and have only found one other like it in perfect condition.


Never heard of those colors, you sure you aren't one of the people with the mutation?

I meant stability control as in it was snowy and it corrected understeer :P