
Lil’ 9/11

Keyword is “unaware,” right?

There has to be a way to make an app that creates a sticker pack based on a user-supplied library. Just sell that app and then give the users the stickers apple doesn’t like separately.

Major selection bias going on here. People usually won’t report crashing a drone of it's their fault.

I swipe only the best.

An excellent write-up sir!!

Oh boy. *cracks knuckles* this is my moment.

Here is a picture for those who don’t want to click on the link:

Robot? It’s a human in a suit.

Apple has to give him new one.

Did that guy just ruin his nearly-$1000 device for the sake of that video? ...He may be worse than the people who came up with the prank.

If i could only give you a million stars.... I see sooo many people glues to their damn phones while driving it’s scary, I put mine in the center console and don’t touch it till i’m done

If you text and drive, Fuck you.

Morality. It’s what is lacking here.

We should bomb them and seize their solar reserves!

I think Benson deserves an indiegogo/gofundme for his sacrifice.

Genuine question, since you might know the answer:

One mod that works for fuel efficiency is raising the rear of your car up. Since you are always going downhill, less fuel is needed.