
I was recently in a crash similar to this in a Ford, and my passenger door was definitely not opening. I had to crawl out through the driver side.

A few years ago one of the local auto parts stores went under and at the sales I asked about it and they let me have it! I keep it in my shop as a weird desk toy.

The most common battery for these devices is the 18650 lithium cell. They have a positive terminal on the top, and the entire outer shell is the negative terminal, though it is standard to wrap the cell in plastic leaving the opposite end bare as the negative.

What happened there was definitely a compass failure, though possibly a GPS glitch, both of those will cause the drone to rocket off, unless you switch to ATTI mode on dji copters, which stops it dead in its tracks and lets you pilot it home manually.

Anything user serviceable. The Phantom 3 line use an all in one main board unlike anything else. Overload a motor by catching a tree? Whole thing needs replacing. Degauss your compass? Replace the whole thing. Earlier models were very simple to repair as it was all labeled and plug and play.

Letting the battery drain completely resets the clock and the phone will boot.

It really is a shame, if only the batteries are the problem they could remove the batteries and sell off the rest of the shell and guts to anyone that wants a project.

I think many of the fires in use are from overdraw of the batteries, with RC lipos if you draw too much they will puff up a little, and the user can see that and put the battery in a safe place. These boards are hiding these types of batteries and have no way to check the health of the cells, and the typical user

It’s most likely to happen when charging or when under heavy stress while in use. If you run the battery all the way down, and charge it, this kind of thing can happen. Most people buying these don’t understand the basics of lithium battery health and are learning the hard way.

Don’t start with a Phantom, get a cheap toy quadcopter first and learn to control that, you need to learn to be a pilot before you can get good photos :)

Has anyone else noticed the time in the corner is 6:00, matches perfectly with android 6.0. But we already knew that.

My aerial photography quad. First large build and everything was messy for testing, people nonstop walking up and telling me it looked like a bomb. No its messy, not a bomb. Everybody loves it now that the wires are hidden, why are people so afraid of wires!

A girl in my high school had this enabled and always left her phone face down or leaning on books, every goddamn minute that thing would strobe and drive people nuts. People can use the vibrate that’s always been there, and not be annoying pricks in public.

That happens sometimes when the phone is warm inside and gets set on a cold surface, the sudden stress cracks it.

Someone needs to make that a watchface for Android Wear.

Windows will never get the mouse right in bootcamp. And it’s because apple creates the drivers for it.

It had a two way hinge on it, it could open normal flip phone way, and the e ink buttons would change to vertical, or sideways and the buttons changed to a keyboard, in games they became little arrows and icons.

So, this, but Android. Full keyboard or number pad depending on screen flip direction. My friend had one in high school, it was awesome.

This x1000 a buddy at work saw mine and instantly wanted to go buy a big one. I tried to explain how they’re not easy to handle, and to buy a micro to learn. He said he wanted to hang a camera under a big one not play with toys. I guess I make it look too easy.

Yeah I just grabbed the first nice looking X8 from Google images, if I were building one I’d use much larger props.