
Stability control on cars, first time my car corrected itself from hitting the ditch I was very impressed. Worlds different than my '79 suburban which is a dream for drifting.

I think these use a peltier chip or two for cooling, they are a solid state heat pump and they actually work great even if they aren't very efficient. The bonus to using them is they can pump in either direction meaning you can chill the inside or heat it with the flick of a switch. I have two I ripped out of a fridge

Good enough.


This happens to me with my Yamaha Maxim 650, it's got an inline 4 and runs smooth. For some reason this invites people to say my bike is slow and can't keep up with a "man bike". I proceed to waste them up one side of the street and down the other. At 72 horsepower I'd say it's perfectly fine, and it screams like no

Or you just stopped noticing.

Look at H2O, they run on AT&T towers and give you unlimited talk/text and 500mb of data for $30. I'm using one of their sims in my Note 2 and it works perfect.

Now sneak into the build site at night and install "Eviltrons" all over the houses connected to mains power. Set them to whisper "I see you", "Hey over here!" and "Turn around". See how long people can stand living in them.

I had a spare set of saw pants on a tree that did this, it launched them about thirty feet up into another tree.

I knew it! They had this at the car show in Marquette last summer, and I was thinking why they would go to Detroit to try to sell it. I still have pictures of it on my old phone.

In that case, the juice would be white.

Since most jetski engines are cooled by the water they are in, it should actually be cooled down a lot by the time you pack it up. Most people transport lawnmowers and weedwhackers that use gas without incident.

What in the actual fuck.

Yes, because I want to use something to see deer on the sides of the highway before they jump out, it means I'm going to stare at it in cities and run over pedestrians. Seriously, the people staring at their phones and watching movies on in dash screens are much more dangerous.

That sounds great, just gotta worry about the price now.

I figure it would be about as bad as Mercedes' implementation which throws the thermal camera up to the navigation display. Its not meant to stare at, but more to see a colored dot in your periphery and then look. That or I'd mount it between my gauges on the steering column, since the cable can be replaced by a

I just hope the framerate is decent as I want it for night driving to see deer farther than my headlights can shine.

That round watch face is so good looking.

I was expecting my town in this, we have streets in Hancock MI steep enough to stall a manual tranny car if they don't get going fast enough. They get closed at the first snow because people slide down them into the bay.

It really depends on the vehicle, if you tried on my truck you'd only be able to disable the front brakes, but not easily. The lines to the back are steel and the ones to the front are rubber with a woven steel sheath. Bolt cutters would do nice.