
I'll try not to ever get in an argument with you.

Only in certain areas.

Say what you want about the plastic, but I think it doesn't look that bad. Plus it doesn't shatter when you drop it.

Heck 15 would be nice, mine gets around 8 or so, it can go through a gallon per minute if you step on it though.

My old Cadillac got around 4. If you were cautious maybe 8

That's most likely the cause, it is so much easier to fit everything in a massive 5" slate with more than enough room for a big battery. I think 1080p on that small of a screen would be pretty pointless though, save that processing power for something else more noticeable. And really what is so bad about a dual core.

You say this as if it hasn't already happened.

That's eight more than my '79 suburban!

Fully agree here, my windows 7 HP cannot get windows 8 drivers for its switchable graphics card so it's stuck on the low power crap gpu. Also I have a half burned out screen because an LED came loose a month after I bought it and HP support told me I must have dropped it and too bad for me. Beside that, HP sucks and I

Same here but the phone is an El cheapo prepaid, and the Play Store is so much faster than the iPad.

You, I like you.

I'm not your bro, guy.

I'm not your guy, dude.

I'm not your buddy, man.

I usually just use the paper towel that I just dried my hands off then toss it to the can. Though some bathrooms don't have paper anymore, in that case I kick the door open.

I'm not your pal, friend.

Same here, my 2005 dell sounds better, much much better.

I'm sure it isn't any faster but they list it as a feature, and at the moment I can get a good sentence going and it just decides it hates me and loses it all.

Me and the pain is not an option in favor to be able I have been the case for my first?