
Agreed, but the flow through space bar is absolutely horrible at the moment.

I cannot stand when someone sends me a text and it has absolutely everything abbreviated and spelled wrong.

It makes you realize how much it has changed.

I don't care if I convince anyone, they can use whatever floats their boat. Even if their boat is weird. Androids used to be a pain to use pre 2.3, but now there is no excuse if someone cannot figure it out.

Hah, my grandma must be a geek. Seriously though she has a Razr Maxx and hasn't had to call me to ask for help. Yet.

It's a standard 50's AM radio, but there is enough room inside to fit a Bluetooth module and amplifier, it actually sounds really good. And it is still completely unaltered. It has a full leather body which is pretty damn cool. Every time I bring it somewhere people just stare at it.

I'm sure you could accommodate all three of them.

Boy would you be surprised if every Giz commentor in New York went to your house. :P

Mine only cost me ~$20 and looks pretty nice. Or so I think anyway.

Some people only live to complain.

Well my phone has a 3 MP, it must have super super pixels! :)

I will! But this is the only phone that works in my area, at all.

I actually wanted my cheap Android. And my cheap Android outperforms some of my friends iPhones. Now they want to switch, and of course they will get better ones than me and I will be a sad panda.

My HP laptop does this too, just sitting at idle doing nothing the temperature slowly climbs up and up and eventually overheats.

I knew I would find this picture here.

I have a 50mm prime from a film camera converted to work on EOS, it has amazing bokeh. Ten bucks :P


By that I meant that it renders the screens much faster and smoother than any other launcher I have tried yet. Especially for an old gingerbread phone.

Refer to the all knowing internet cat.