
FoxFi. I can use my WiFi only devices ANYWHERE*!

Same for me, but with a tablet. That little LED is enough to light a room up when it's set screen down.

Haha literally.

Especially if they were only printed on one side or at a different scale.

One does not simply "walk" in with four million pennies.

You just kind of lift the canopy a little bit and hang it out there.


Can't wait for that show to be back on...

+A million

What about my car's Whale skin hubcaps?

Do you mean the Samsung one, or is there something else?

Someone answer this question! I would like an iPhone running Android. Just to troll people.

I'm pretty sure the Nokias are better.

At least you wouldn't have to worry about your next birthday.

It looks like they just cleaned out their desk.

Pretty much all prepaid LG phones run a type of Java OS, and it is terrible.

Oh the ironing.

Paintball filled with sodium, followed by one filled with water.

I was just at Walmart and was looking at something like that without the baconaise.

Too late, someone else got that name :P