
The sad thing is people will just blindly tell you were wrong, without looking to see if the other ten people said the exact same thing.

Ha, my truck still has roll up windows. Sorry it took so long to reply, I had to dial in.

If it was a really nice car for really cheap and it wasn't very hard to change them?

Toyota Supra!

Aftermarket seats!

You sir, just made me laugh out loud. Thank you.


Hey, I still hang up my cellphone. :P

I'm not your pal, friend.

Flip that around and you got it.

I have one of those! They work so well, when I put the sticker on and drive twenty miles closer to the tower it gets waaay stronger signal! It must be the sticker!


Many would still buy it. :P

Nipple mouse FTW!

Was that so hard? :P

Even if they are a bit pixelated.

The X-Phone better live up to the hype.

What did you take that picture with? It's SO blurry.

The rules have been set. You have to pick something!

Sony Z. If they don't screw it up somehow.