
Oh really now? :P

I think they mean bad in comparison to the the high res iPad and the vivid galaxy tabs. The a500 screen is actually really accurate with touches. I haven't used the a100 but maybe you had a bad one, they normally don't act like that.

I think you understand it correctly, the picture seems wrong. I might be doing it wrong but when i shoot i use the moron way according to the picture.

I think it's because you look awkward holding it with the grip down, i'm not sure. When i shoot portraits i always hold the camera grip up.

#72 made me lol, I see it all the time with all of the self proclaimed "pros"

The name is.. is.. Heisenberg. Yea my name is Mr Heisenberg, just call me that, whose this walter fellow you speak of? (BreakingBadIsAwesome)

I have that same gas mask! That really surprised me seeing that here. Allergy season is very survivable wearing one of those things :D

My god I just watched that movie! Poor Algernon..

They actually did a good job with the quality of these tablets, I've had my a500 for almost a year and no problems.

I have this app too, it supports almost every camera function, including live view. Works perfectly with the full USB on my a500. Ive used it on both my t2i and my 40d with no problems.

Great, drive around and release more emissions!


They think were lying to make them feel better.

A good tip would be to keep the ISO up higher, steel wool sparks are not very bright. And like with any light paintings if you stand still too long you will end up in the photo.

i remember that too, wow how long ago was that?

I've heard that Ice Cream is coming to our Iconias either this month or the next. Somewhere on xda it said the 15th of this month was ice cream day. The creaks were easy to get rid of though, I put a drop of superglue in each corner and wiped off the extra with a damp towel, its silent now :) typing on it right now

By any chance, does yours creak if you squeeze the corners, its strange but it doesn't affect its use. I agree, the A500 is surprisingly good for the price. Odd though that everyone that sees it immediately thinks its an iPad, and when I try to explain its not they look at me like I'm crazy... apple isn't the only

If its anything like the build on my A500 I'd recommend it, they're pretty tough little machines.

3.2 is such a weird release, some have epic slowdowns and some have never seen it lag once, I have the Acer a500 and have never seen lag but my friend just got a galaxy and it bugs out once and a while. Hopefully 4.0 makes them all the same

Thanks guys, actually I left out in my orginal post that it looks like its in the tablet instead of the cover. Now that I reread what I wrote it looks like I didn't read the article lol