
>There’s a difference between saying everyone in a group is worse and saying the average is worse

Whew, good thing we had a man to tell us we prefer to be in different fields. I feel so free now.

The “prenatal testosterone” thing was his first tell.

Oh wow...a Brietbart link!

My husband is the same way. In fact he took a picture of the package of my preferred product and saved it on his phone so if he ever has to run out and pick some up for me he knows exactly what he’s looking for.

what confounds me about folks of your ilk is the ignorance of their statements- how the arrogant vitriol permeates the very font with which they post- as if being intelligent, empathetic and grounded in reality are negative skill sets that run counter to civilization and societal mores.

It is a “one man, one vote” system, after all.

Indeed, the fact that our new chief strategist on science and technology is going to be a man who does not believe in science must not be relevant news for a science and technology news website.

Chhetri closes the piece by justifying the relevance of “Smashers Against Sexual Assault,” arguing that “Sexual assault isn’t a women’s issue, or a gaming issue, or a men’s issue. It’s a human issue. Do your part to keep our Smash scene safe.”

I’m a woman in tech and in the top percentile in earnings/skillset in my city (NYC, so probably top in tech globally save for SF). Meaning I’m qualitatively “better” than most men I meet in my field. I do not want children. Yes, the industry is male dominated but I am not an anomaly, there are a good number of women

On average across the population, for all job pools? Well duh. Your average woman is weaker than your average man. News at 11. But okay, I dare you to tell me what job *no* woman can do besides, I don’t know, have a real from-birth penis. I guess if you’re a prostitute that would matter. And tongue in cheek statements

They don’t get to choose which sex they hire. They are not allowed to discriminate based on sex in hiring. Also, fyi, women don’t automatically have kids every 9 months. They aren’t apple trees.


To birth one asshole may be regarded as a misfortune (see Chet Haze and Tom Hanks); to birth two looks like bad parenting.

I’m pretty sure most of them didn’t either. That’s the terrible thing about being born poor and into an autocratic society. And they can’t even escape elsewhere because apparently most of Europe and the US just wants them to stay there and die. And they can’t rebel to make their lives better because either Russia will

You do realize that there’s about a 1 in 3 chance that any show including a mass shooting would air on the same week a mass shooting actually happens.

We just sort of showed up one day and started wrecking shit with our gross selves, like The Thing.

There is no bigger group of butt-hurt whiners in America right now than white Christian men. Hence the support for Trump.

I’m going to start emailing and commenting on any media that mentions men and ask why they talk about men all the damn time. At least that complaint is based in fact.

Thank you. I ground my teeth.