
It’s an even more fun experience in VR, let me tell you.

Just curious. The statistics given, if we accept them as given, state that false reports of rape occur at roughly the same rate as false reports of other crimes. Why do you think that rape would be reported at a higher rate of falsehood than other crimes, especially given that accusing someone of rape is, according to

90% or higher of facebook moderation is done by a computer, not a person.. hence that kinda stuff happening.

Not the first case of this kind of stuff - this is from last year, no updates recently but I assume that this lawsuit is still happening -…

TLDR; Artists produce book with illustrations of their dogs and friends dogs inside the cover, disney subsidiary steals them and

Just curious, but if you’re going to disclose someone’s dating history in an article, why aren’t you disclosing their entire history? I mean, I want to know who Quinn dated in fifth grade. In fact, for that matter, I’d like to know who you dated in fifth grade too. Equally relevant, surely?

Right? I mean, I listen to that podcast to learn interesting things. I don’t listen to it to learn about stuff I *already know*. And I already know tonnes about white male history. How is putting out content that is interesting and new and fresh somehow taking away from the ‘rightful place in the world’ that white men

Np, I was just a little bit confused.. I’ve been called upon to provide evidence of my statements at various times before today, but never for a conversation that literally used the words “at the moment” and was posted 5 years ago..

You want me to back up a statement I made 5 years ago with evidence that at the time the ebook was free? Um, ok. I’ll get right on my time machine..

(a) There shouldn’t be a professional corporate sponsored event where ANYbody should have to leave the room
(b)Quite a few women I talked to did leave - or were extremely uncomfortable but waited to speak out online rather than in person

Fair enough - it wasn’t super clear :)

Didn’t imply that they weren’t...... even the trolliest troll would have a hard time reading misandry in what I said.

Or there were plenty of people who were uncomfortable but faking it because they had no idea how to handle something like this professionally, in person.

Gear is something that people were lining up to try out this week at GDC - for significant periods of time. For $20, you can get a controller to play games with your gear, games that are pretty enjoyable and fun. There are also other games that can be easily played using only the touchpad interface. Yes, there are

A gear is $99. Plenty of people out there have already paid the bulk of the price that a functioning gear rig needs - i.e. the smartphone.

Totally cool with the existence of dancers - not cool with the existence of dancers in this situation. Would rather there have been both male and female dancers - TWICE THE JOBS!

I absolutely agree - we should definitely stop mollycoddling dudes that think that every space is their property, and that women are just objects to be drooled over instead of fully functioning members of society! No more pandering to men! YAY!

By your logic, nobody is a real movie fan until they’ve watched every movie out there and been to sundance.

Female dancers, strobes, blacklights, fireworks...

So you’re comparing women to objects, then? Good to know.

It wouldn’t make you uncomfortable if there was a mix - but it would probably make you a whole lot more uncomfortable if there were only men, huh? Funny, that’s exactly what most of the women I spoke to mentioned.

So as someone who is “into market research” are you aware that women drive most purchasing decisions across the board in terms of dollars spent in the US? “…

So yes - who WILL buy your product? Seems like the answer is women.

So your logic is that “other people do this, therefore it is fine/a good idea?”

No thought that maybe all the companies doing this are clueless and wrong?