
It’s an even more fun experience in VR, let me tell you.

Ok, so what you’re saying is the seal holds everything in, and is strong enough to do so until the pressure from peeing releases the seal, and everything gushes out like old faithful only a lot more explosive and bloody?

Explain to me how post-it note strength glue could hold in up to 10ccs of fluid while a woman is walking around and moving..

Both of my cats were adopted from shelters, spayed, and are 100% indoor cats, except for when Mort decides he needs an adventure. He’s very fast, and finding a black cat outside in the dark is the hugest pain in the ass.

Well just like with Katrina, they’ll blame obama.

Just curious. The statistics given, if we accept them as given, state that false reports of rape occur at roughly the same rate as false reports of other crimes. Why do you think that rape would be reported at a higher rate of falsehood than other crimes, especially given that accusing someone of rape is, according to

Not to mention the fact that diversity is actually good for your bottom line/success of your company, e.g. having one female employee might mean that your company doesn’t get known as “those idiots who held an office stripper party”

That is, if their religious beliefs allow contraception, or they have access to contraception or abortion, because we all know that (a) very few people willingly choose abstinence and (b) the pull out/natural rhythm methods don’t work.

90% or higher of facebook moderation is done by a computer, not a person.. hence that kinda stuff happening.

Not the first case of this kind of stuff - this is from last year, no updates recently but I assume that this lawsuit is still happening -…

TLDR; Artists produce book with illustrations of their dogs and friends dogs inside the cover, disney subsidiary steals them and

Donate them to a young artist - college supply costs are insane when you’re an art student :)

Just curious, but if you’re going to disclose someone’s dating history in an article, why aren’t you disclosing their entire history? I mean, I want to know who Quinn dated in fifth grade. In fact, for that matter, I’d like to know who you dated in fifth grade too. Equally relevant, surely?

When i was actively singing when younger, I had about a 3 octave range (the edges varied by a note or two on any given day). For a woman, that’s quite far beyond the norm. As far as choral music is concerned, I’m capable of singing most soprano, alto, and tenor parts fairly easily. Most choral parts don’t cover more

Also, those swingers would be far more likely to use the term husband/wife, than primary.

Nowhere in there was it mentioned that she was a swinger. Not even slightly implied.

Um, please educate yourself. Swingers != people in poly relationships, which is definitely what this sounds like. What you’re talking about is a completely different thing entirely. When you refer to someone as a primary, that generally means they are your primary romantic partner and that you have either a

Right? I mean, I listen to that podcast to learn interesting things. I don’t listen to it to learn about stuff I *already know*. And I already know tonnes about white male history. How is putting out content that is interesting and new and fresh somehow taking away from the ‘rightful place in the world’ that white men

Where does a mansplainer get his water?

Well, actually...

Have you tried VR? It’s something you don’t necessarily get until someone sticks an HMD on your face, and suddenly you’re like “ohhhhhh now I get it”

I own a gear and a vive, and while the gear is fun and has some great content, the vive is just amazing.. there are so many many amazing games - hover junkers being one of my favorites if you like shooting things.. the difference between phone based VR and the high end is really mind blowing. You have to remember that