The people claiming that gaming in general is sexist are stupid, the people that attack the people that claim gaming in general is sexist are stupid...
The people claiming that gaming in general is sexist are stupid, the people that attack the people that claim gaming in general is sexist are stupid...
That was akin to torture for me. Especially when I wanted to know what hsppened next.
I have a reading room too! It’s a really small room, but I love it! It’s so cozy and nice. I love curling up in there and reading. Also a fan of going over the titles and feeling deeply satisfied that my ink and paper babies are all nice and neat.
You are awesome, and I thank you for your service to humanity.
Because: no. Nobody wants to hear their fellow students speak. Nobody wants to hear anyone speak. Even people’s parents don’t want to hear the speeches, they just want to see their kid get a diploma and then get on the road to Applebee’s before they get…
How did they always manage to find someone to read outloud who either had the vocabulary of a three year old or to presentation skills of a dead turtle? I swear the practice was designed to stifle any enjoyment the story might have otherwise offered.
Me too! My math teacher hated me reading in class but I kept a good grade so she couldn’t do much. Every report card had “A+, poor attitude - needs to pay attention in class”. I went through a brief period of reading Shakespere in class just to really annoy her.
YES. My ultimate FU in high school for ignorant teachers who were wasting my time (which was a lot cause I went to school in Texas) was to get out my book and start reading. I feel you lady, never change.
This is 1000x more empowering than those ‘inspirational’ videos people post with the soaring music in the background. Take back public spaces for women. Fuck yeah!
The Sally Hansen UV-free gel polishes are super legit too. I wear only these now.
The only time I ever caught a bouquet was during a promotion at a Lush store, and whoever caught it would win a bath bomb. I caught it one-handed because they were also giving out cupcakes.
I caught several bouquets in my youth and have never even been proposed to. It is a horseshit thing that should die in a fire!
No offense to Taylor, who looks nice in a Dynasty kind of way, but this picture (from the link) is why I can't buy bras from Vicki's anymore. They don't make any that don't come preloaded with knockers. "Increase 2 Cup Sizes Instantly!" How about just support the plenty-big-enough girls I already have in something…
I've spent a lot of time as a human person on this planet filling my brain with things like information, paintings, poems, literature, wisdom, kindness, empathy, films, conversations, recipes, music, dance moves, science. All for nothing.
I'm loving the self-defense link (full-contact self-defense is definitely the best kind of course to take), with two important caveats: 1) there is nothing that anyone can do to perfectly protect themselves, and it is always the fault of the perpetrator, period. And 2) self-defense courses are best when done…
OH MY GOD! He's Mr. Ed! Mr. Ed wants to date you!
Is it just laying around? Did he piss off the Mob?
My bread tastes of Republican...blech...
You aren't a wizard operating out of Chicago, perchance?