
Mine’s a pre, not a CV1, hence getting it on a different timeline. But when you finally get yours, I’d be interested how long it takes you too. I mean, it’s really really really simple, imo. And that whole thing about “you must have five outlets for all the things”.. well, no, not really, because yes, both base

I set up a vive today for the first time too - after having read this article. I timed myself. Including going through the tutorial, entire set up was 43 minutes, 20 of which was me drilling holes in my stupid brick walls and putting the anchors for the mounts in. So 23 minutes to plug in “all those wires”, do the

I just find it hard to believe that when trying so many things, nothing was enjoyable..

Oh, and also, if you failed to calibrate the system properly, then say that - even say that it was challenging to calibrate properly.. don’t make it seem like a hardware error when it was more like user error..

You said you tried out tilt brush and have included it in “not worth it” - but yet I’ve seen so so many people try that and not one came away from it saying “that sucked”.. Most came away having really enjoyed themselves and not wanting to stop. When every game console in history has launched, did the titles get

Funny how your assumption when I say I don’t want something geared for the male gaze is that suddenly I want artsy, slow, etc..

Have you ever tried out VR? In general the most effective content doesn’t happen right up in your face - most people developing for VR make things happen at a reasonable distance from you. VR porn doesn’t mean that the goal is to make you feel like having sex..

Np, I was just a little bit confused.. I’ve been called upon to provide evidence of my statements at various times before today, but never for a conversation that literally used the words “at the moment” and was posted 5 years ago..

How about porn that isn’t centered camerawise on vagina or boob? I’m straight, I don’t want to watch lesbian sex. I also have no particular desire to watch guy on guy action. And most of the hetero porn out there focuses things for the male gaze - you’re looking at a dude’s butt and he frequently has no head, while

Yes, pussyfication ftw! Because frankly, a vagina can take a hell of a lot more beating than your balls can!

Right? god forbid we want content geared towards us, not just dudes. VR is so immersive that there will be a really big cognitive disconnect if you can look down and see your dick, and you’re a woman..

Just because all the women who sleep with you don’t actually want to look at you, that’s not the case for all women’s perspectives. Thanks for playing, though!

Yep, me too. I have VR headsets, so I was going to go look at it for research purposes, but it’s less appealing if it assumes I’m a man.

You want me to back up a statement I made 5 years ago with evidence that at the time the ebook was free? Um, ok. I’ll get right on my time machine..

(a) There shouldn’t be a professional corporate sponsored event where ANYbody should have to leave the room
(b)Quite a few women I talked to did leave - or were extremely uncomfortable but waited to speak out online rather than in person

Fair enough - it wasn’t super clear :)

Didn’t imply that they weren’t...... even the trolliest troll would have a hard time reading misandry in what I said.

Or there were plenty of people who were uncomfortable but faking it because they had no idea how to handle something like this professionally, in person.

Gear is something that people were lining up to try out this week at GDC - for significant periods of time. For $20, you can get a controller to play games with your gear, games that are pretty enjoyable and fun. There are also other games that can be easily played using only the touchpad interface. Yes, there are

A gear is $99. Plenty of people out there have already paid the bulk of the price that a functioning gear rig needs - i.e. the smartphone.