
Totally cool with the existence of dancers - not cool with the existence of dancers in this situation. Would rather there have been both male and female dancers - TWICE THE JOBS!

I absolutely agree - we should definitely stop mollycoddling dudes that think that every space is their property, and that women are just objects to be drooled over instead of fully functioning members of society! No more pandering to men! YAY!

By your logic, nobody is a real movie fan until they’ve watched every movie out there and been to sundance.

Female dancers, strobes, blacklights, fireworks...

So you’re comparing women to objects, then? Good to know.

It wouldn’t make you uncomfortable if there was a mix - but it would probably make you a whole lot more uncomfortable if there were only men, huh? Funny, that’s exactly what most of the women I spoke to mentioned.

So as someone who is “into market research” are you aware that women drive most purchasing decisions across the board in terms of dollars spent in the US? “…

So yes - who WILL buy your product? Seems like the answer is women.

So your logic is that “other people do this, therefore it is fine/a good idea?”

No thought that maybe all the companies doing this are clueless and wrong?

Have you even tried VR? like, ever? Maybe grandma isn’t going to buy a $400-800 headset and the hardware to run it, but she probably owns a reasonably powerful smartphone, and there are an awful lot of cardboard/gear clones coming out in the near future that aren’t even remotely near the price point you’re quoting.

This! Women are gamers, women are developers, and women drive most purchasing decisions across the board.

There are always more players, fullstop, than there are developers - so your statement makes little sense. But there are plenty of female developers. I spoke to more than one female developer who went to this event. Yes, we are outnumbered everywhere we go, but not in the numbers you apparently think we are. And we

That’s also not exclusively men.

Real games? Plz define real games for me. I mean, I make video games for a living, but obviously you know better than me what a “real game” is. I work in mobile/vr though, so I guess I’m not a “real game” dev.

You also don’t see microbes in daily life, but I bet you still wash your hands.. Just because you aren’t seeing something, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Did you attend the convention? Because I did. And not even half of the content there was about AAA games. There were a ton of mobile devs, VR devs, etc. And your 65 year old auntie IS a gamer. She’s part of the audience, she’s part of the people that we are creating games for. There’s no such thing as a “REAL GAMER”.

... Are you actually this clueless or just trolling for kicks? You do realize that there are women who attend these events too, right? A lot of us, in fact.

You win the internet for today.

I dunno, I’ve tried out an awful lot of VR, and so far haven’t fallen over, leaned on something that doesn’t exist, or thrown up. Very occasionally I get motion sickness if the game or app isn’t properly designed, but it’s fairly easy to counteract. Not to mention that most VR apps are designed more for you to sit in

Big trends = easier to predict than small details.

Yeah, I had similar experiences to this as late as the early 90s..


My thoughts exactly.