
What about the effect of pain as the shock to the system? That alone could damage the child’s potential outcome from procedures - especially things as painful as surgery.

Being from up north, also, and then having lived in the US for almost two decades now, I think I can answer this - canadians are more reasonable humans than americans - they generally are more polite, more likely to enact sensible things like public healthcare systems that actually work and aren’t as devoted to

I think my pet peeve is those who argue the cause of climate change - whether it’s humans, or volcanoes, or the sun or lots of farting cows.. It doesn’t really matter, because what we do know is that things are changing, we can measure Co2 increase, we can see the change in more extreme weather events, and we can

Sadly, I also was in the group that assumed that, straight off the bat.

I work for a startup, and we actually set aside money to make sure there’s always a bottle of scotch in the office for the days when we need it...

Pigs, Reindeer, christmas trees, all totally in the bible!

Oh, and coloring in spaces that *must* be blank helps a lot, because it helps eliminate some possible combinations more quickly.

That was my approach - add numbers, figure out which rows have exactly 25 (once you add up numbers and spaces) and then use logic from there on out.. was easiest to work a corner at a time, and then work inwards finishing with the center.

Because then we might end up being ruled by someone like Donald Trump?

My favorite instance of this happened last year - I was at a store with a christian friend, and I happen to see some wrapping paper - I think we were there to get that, amongst other things. I see the paper and some sort of equine hindparts, and I say “How about some wrapping paper with donkeys on it?”. Christian

I got the chance to meet 3 of the creators from Laika at a recent conference - awesome people, making really amazing cutting edge stuff, technology-wise. Getting to see the inside of the boxtrolls figures up close was fantastic, and the team ended up letting us ask questions for about double the amount of time we were

Yeah, I kept it to one basic point - my dislike of the term “Overachiever” and why people should stop using it. The other valedictorian (we had two, one per quarter at my graduation) had a speech which was about 7 minutes, had been thoroughly prepared and discussed with and reviewed with an instructor, and I can’t

I really want hanging ogre to be a new cool phrase, now. Like “Yeah, wanna come over and hang ogre?”

Yeah, I could read and write at age 3, so by the time I got to school I was already far ahead of the other kids, and by the age of 8 or so, my reading level was functionally adult (of course some adult concepts may have been beyond me, but my language and vocabulary skills in general were up there..) I frustrated many

Yeah, it’s not like Tess of the D’urbervilles is the ultimate page turner, you know?

I had to give a speech at my graduation. It was supposed to be “2-5 minutes long”.. I was like, who the hell wants to hear me speak for 5 minutes about bullshit? Nobody. I kept it right around the 2 minute mark, and everyone thanked me afterwards, specifically for that reason.

In english class, they’d make the whole class read along in a book while someone from the class read out loud. This is understandably slow and annoying, so I frequently would just read ahead and go on with the story. My teacher realized what I was doing at one point, and was like “No, you must follow along with the

It’s good that you’ve made him aware of the consequences of his actions - what happens next isn’t your fault, but his choice.

Haha, feel free to use it if you start one.

But this is all so soon.. I.... I think I love you too?