
Yeah, I actually got to the point where when I was married, I had a rule that if the door to my ‘reading room’ was shut, the house should be burning down before it was opened. Some people just don’t understand that books are important.

Oh god yes. Or that think the best thing they can ask you is “What are you reading?” I’m reading a book. If it’s a physical book, why don’t you just look at the damn cover and leave me alone? It could be twilight, and it would still be more important to me than someone interrupting me would be, unless that person is

<3 for this lady. A woman after my own heart - not rain, nor sleet, nor hail, nor bigoted idiots will keep me from my book.

I’d question the sentient part..

Was Phil Tippett working there at the time? Because I’ve seen a lot of physical stuff that he did for the movie too, and I know that Tippett Studio was originally supposed to be the animators for JP until ILM showed the digital versions and spielberg fell in love.. but the final film ended up using a combo of the two.

Mmmmmmm hot crisco :D

Do not use oil with condoms. Do not use oil with condoms. Fullstop. Only use lubes specifically designed for the purpose

On thr plus side high oil production generally means fewer wrinkles as you age

I didn’t like the Coffea scrub - the results were ok, but I couldn’t stand just how insanely COFFEE the smell was.. I don’t like coffee anyway, but yeah, I felt like I was a day old filter..

Apparently when filming minority report, those scenes required a lot of breaks for Tom Cruise because it IS so physically tiring to do that for extended periods of time.. and it’s hardly like he’s someone that’s out of shape.. if it’s hard for someone physically fit, most of the rest of us wouldn’t stand a chance.

Depends on the laws of the country he lives in - there are such laws in place in some.. obviously not japan.

I was responding to the guy that said that 135lbs rendered him unable to breathe, yet was incapable of understanding that that meant that he outweighed his dates by at least 45lbs, but they could breathe just fine.... hence my use of the term massive bulk.. Thanks !

Thankfully, all those tiny women you’re dating are capable of handling your massive bulk, and struggling to breath with you on top of them...

I think I run into this a lot.. while I date a fair amount, and certainly get my share of attention, I don’t end up in long term relationships, because I think while some people feel it’s ok to date me, I’m not what they want to be seen in public with, regularly, as their partner. I feel like no matter how good we are

I tend to try not to do it repeatedly - give your nails a rest in between and be careful about how you remove the polish - it’s tempting to just chisel it off, but this is obviously a hideous thing to do to your nails. And yeah, when it comes to the regular polish thing, I always end up having to like go to the

Reading this on some level now has me concerned that 90% of the OKcupid messages I get are also from bots, because those intro messages are the level of discourse I often get.. It’s amazing how often I get messages that are just “hi” or “Hey”.. Maybe.. MAYBE ALL THE DATING SITES EVERYWHERE ARE FULL OF BOTS. !!!

Fingers crossed! I get so excited when I know my box has arrived and so bummed when it’s like “Oh, yay.. black eyeliner, nailpolish I will never use.. some other misc stuff, lipbalm”

Have you considered getting an at-home gel kit? If you keep an eye on the local drugstores (cvs, etc) you may be able to pick up one of the starter kits for half off.. They include all the base stuff you need, plus the uv lamp. Usually the color choices for the starter kits are kinda meh, but you can easily

I basically got the same exact glossybox, except my nailpolish was a sort of gross bubblegum pink color that I would literally never wear. Well, you know, maybe as an 8 year old I might have thought this was cool.. but probably not. I feel the same way about pink and red nailpolishes as you do about black eyeliner,

Yeah, I get it, thanks :) I was a bit mentally fucked up about it for a couple weeks, but mostly ok now.. I was actually surprised how much I was affected by it all.. he didn’t hit “gold” so to speak, but was definitely in the “silver” range of my anatomy.. and yet it was still really a combo of disgusting, shameful,