
Fair point, although communion exists in other versions of christianity, and even if it’s not literally the body and blood of christ to them, it still symbolizes it.. so it’s a slightly narrow quibble for a joke :p.

Yes, because weird transubstatiation rituals, making signs on the foreheads of babies, and chanting from ancient texts are definitely not things one should seek guidance from.. Oh wait, I’m describing christianity. My bad.

Completely OT, but do you play innovation?

True story - I'm one degree of separation from the guy that made that app.

If you don’t understand something, why are you talking about it? As a senator, you know, if you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, stfu?

Yeah, I was surprised that they did it on both eyes. I mean, yes, both is necessary for depth perception but risking both eyes for the sake of science is twice as crazy as only risking one.

It's a common problem for females in the gaming arena - Guys can have all sorts of character traits, but for a women, we have only one. Girl. That's it. It's a character type that encompasses all women, so by default, anything one woman does extends to all of the rest of us.

At the end of the day, a woman has the right to represent herself however she chooses, and to use her body however she chooses. If you're ever concerned about a topic like this and not knowing what to think, reframe it with men in the position of women. If some male gamers chose to play shirtless to attract a

What they really mean is that you're being selfish in not considering their desires for you to do the things they want - i.e. procreate and pass on their DNA.

In my experience, the things you're concerned about happening in the future some time like resentment, usually do. Every time I've ignored my gut feeling about someone and said "Well, that's not very fair of me to think that way, since I don't think that way now" or some variety of, I've regretted it, including in my

constitutional fair use rights?... um.... sure....

Oh, only unattractive girlfriends deserve to be cheated on?

There's also Tomorrow when the war began - one movie and a bunch of books about australia being invaded by non-specific asians.

Add sharks, and you have yourself a movie right there..

I sent you a message on facebook asking to be included in the artist group, but I believe it ended up in your junk/other folder.. pretty please can I be included? I'm a female game artist :)

I like the fact that it's not too spandex or slutty - it's a cute outfit without being OTT sexy

This so much.. She's a "Generic cute and sassy female companion" - Amy was, too to an extent, but Clara is worse.. Can we not have a female character that has depth again? Rose, Martha and Donna all had one thing in common - their cute and sassyness wasn't their defining character trait.. They had backstory (who's

I read an article the other day that suggested families with dishwashers have unhealthier/more allergy-disease prone kids.. the idea being that the small amount of bacteria left on utensils after hand washing is actually helping immune systems, rather than hindering.

The important thing is to link to anything like this about him from anywhere you can... share the links, share them EVERYWHERE.

It wasn't worth it. No matter how good the ending might be, it wasn't worth a minute more torture.