
Also, having a ton of drivel is not better than running out of well written material.

I honestly, truly, deeply and madly do not understand the appeal these books have. I've read a lot of books in my life. A LOT. I've read probably every cultural zeitgeist title/series for the last 15 years. I've read twilight. I've read 50 shades. I've been reading fantasy my whole life. And I could not finish these

A utopian society to me is one in which suicide is not in the top 10 causes of death in some countries and societies.. mental health being a primary indicator of the health of society as a whole. If you use suicide as an indicator that shows how mentally healthy your population is as a whole - since it's a

Clearly one of us needs to invent time travel and go back to 1956 and make sure this actually happens, because then commuting in the bay would be way better and more awesome. Yes, I'm aware that if we invent a time machine, then commuting will probably be better anyway, but......... still.. can we have this?

Moar Maslany.

Yeah, just because consoles are powerful, it doesn't mean they can do real time rendering of this level.. I can pretty much guarantee that there are single frames of this movie that probably took days to render using multiple fast fast render farm machines.

Wow, could you be more judgmental? You're literally doing the equivalent of "I'm 6'6 and a great basketball player, I can't believe more of you out there aren't as awesome at playing basketball at me, if only you just took the time to be better at it and really understand how easy it is to just get taller and better

Huh, now there's a reason for a healthy diet I can really get behind.

Oh it may be. But this is orphan black. I take nothing for granted

There's no guarantee that that's actually Mark.

Frankly, he should have to take his entire net worth, divide by 4, donate one part to an organization working with victims of child abuse - whatever that might be, and the other 3 to the victims, and then live the rest of his life either in prison, or on the streets. You're rich and successful despite your

"Damn. Those are some beautifully animated peepers." technically those are modeled, textured and rendered eyes, not really animated. Or at least, the animation isn't really anything to talk about. Makes your title kind of misleading too. The animation isn't the thing.

No, they work fine in person, providing your view is in the right place.

Generally speaking yes, although with this kind of set up, you would have to be within range of the correct height, too, I believe, vs the kind that is drawn on the ground, because those will work providing you're at the correct distance for your height. It's basically all a complex geometry problem.

My brother actually acted in a highschool recreation of this when we were kids.. he was the bad guy..

You're welcome, well deserved. I'm pretty well read, so I love it when I learn something about history that I'd never even heard of before, and the fact you made it relevant to current news was awesome.

I've read a lot of your writing over the years I've been coming to io9 Annalee, but this is without a doubt the best piece of yours I've ever read. Extremely relevant, extremely interesting, and very well written. Bravo.

What's wrong with the geometry? Bad edge flow?

Yeah, most people have no concept of how much work goes into even a very small amount of animation, whether it's 2D or 3D. Still, I love doing it. At the end of the day, I'm getting paid to do something awesome. (I'm a 3D animator and tech artist for a mobile game)

Unless you just don't use Uber.