
When you're talking about stuff like creme de menthe, it's likely the sugars in the liqueur that gives you the aftereffects. Very sweet liqueurs are essentially the same as just drinking alcohol flavored sugar, and thus will make the hangover worse, because now your body has to deal with the after effects of an

The thing is, even though there are signs everywhere on the highways now saying "Severe Drought conserve water", something like 95% of the water usage in cali is for agriculture and industry. The average home user saving a few gallons here and there is a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the state's water

Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate, where he's the devil and keanu is the advocate. (spoiler, sorry. ) But still, Pacino is a pretty delightful devil.

Naw, they're too busy working on the complete works of Shakespeare for that. Feels like they've been taking forever, too, lazy little buggers.

As a bartender, yep. This. All this. People that don't tip are essentially not only screwing over their server or bartender, but also EVERYONE ELSE that does tip. Why is this? Because they're essentially stealing free service from you. My time is limited, inherently most of the time I'm working, it's extremely busy,

Only slightly.

But would the reavers be so horrific in that universe? I would think it would change one of the fundamental aspects of the fictional firefly universe if it were set in that universe.. so you have to think about that.. maybe reavers would go around actively NOT eating people...

I'm aware that nuns are women, they were literally the only group I could think of that spends most of their lives in a female only space, and thus statistically the most likely to not have experienced this stuff..

Yesterday I had a similar experience, in that I am also a grown, strong, confident woman. I'm 6ft tall and don't scare easy. I was sitting in the middle of a deserted park yesterday reading, not far from the road, but certainly quite alone in the middle of the grass. A young guy comes up to me, and as I see him

I had the same experience in highschool, walking through a crowded walkway, someone in the opposite direction grabbing my crotch.. I was probably 15? Couldn't even tell who it was.

Are there women out there that haven't experienced any of these things? Are they nuns?

Yup. I met the guy that wrote and directed Pixar's "Partysaurus Rex" short. 83 people, 3 years, for 5 minutes animation

Yeah, animation is kind of insane in how much time it takes. I directed a 3D short that is about a minute and a half long, and took 6 people 3 months to complete. And that's without it even being as polished as I wanted it to be.

The OP stated wanting to learn animation, not modeling.

Because it's not really designed for animation as such, and the OP posted somewhere about already having photoshop and having some animation knowledge. After effects obviously has capabilities for animation, but you can't just sit down and draw in it, you'd have to master the pen tool or the puppet tool to start doing

The thing about animation is there are a lot of software packages you can learn, a lot of methods you can use, but the most important thing to develop is an accurate sense of timing. To that end, learning to animate in 2D is vastly superior to learning to do so in a more complex software package like Maya. Animating

Um, you might end up with a fairly decent facsimile that way, but when you're doing facial modeling the *most* important thing is for the arrangement of poly's to make sense, otherwise when you rig the character for animation, things will be very, very very bad.

Thanks :D

Genius idea, going to try it!

I believe crystal slippers are fairly Disney appropriate. Duh.