
Bras with a layer of padding help the nipple memo thing.. the material is thick enough so that things stay.. a bit more bulletproof let's say?

Pft, I'd be more impressed if they made the eyes from balloons that could be inflated to pop out of his head.. that'd be AMAZING tex avery then, instead of just cool tex avery.

It's because girls don't watch cartoons, especially superhero cartoons, and thus don't have opinions that matter. Doesn't matter that girls have been watching superhero cartoons at least as long as I've been alive, and are just as likely to consume good media as boys, it's really that boys opinions are ALL THAT

"not that people don't already hate the Big Band Theory…).

I LOVED that show!

I once wrote the original Penis FAQ. Used to be the top result on google, until other people jumped on my bandwagon. Still, teenage boys everywhere read it to figure out whether or not their penis was too small, or if girls would laugh when they took their pants off. Probably my greatest contribution to mankind.

Honestly, it really is a practice thing. It's almost exactly the same skill set as forgery... Constant practice with one medium, years and years of drawing, and you could do this. It gets easier with time to accurately mimic colors and spatial relationships etc.

I've seen stuff that isn't in any of the trailers, and it's much smarter than that. Give it a chance, maybe?

As someone who works in a restaurant, let me tell you, for many people, ranch is the entire base of the food pyramid. By the SOUP CUP will they imbibe it, and then ask for more.

I don't have the same violent dislike for lettuce you do, but I'm certainly not a fan. I'd much rather use baby spinach in salads and sandwiches than I would lettuce, because iceberg especially just seems so pointless, nutritionwise.

I HAVE been the only woman in an all male physics course, and yeah it started out as uncomfortable, but I got over my damn self and realized that regardless of genitalia, people are people. I stuck that class out for two years and earned the respect of all the guys..

I definitely remember having quite a few of these.. I think I had the pig, the rabbit, the monkey, the elephant.. hmm.. can't remember the rest, but I think I probably had about half a dozen of them.. A lot of them came with weird professions too, and had little umbrellas.

Yeah, they are, depending on where. They're used especially where a highway cuts through a mostly residential area, to cut down on the noise from traffic. So one highway I drive regularly has stretches with walls, and some without.

At least it's not greenland.

Now playing

Just for giggles... I kinetic-type'd this a couple years ago. No swear words in this clip, either.

Pixar didn't create FreeBirds.

This! I have nothing against Amy or Clara particularly, but they fit a very specific type - awesome hot girl who is awesome.

I remember being in isolation hospital when I was 3.. I can remember the glass wall, the blue curtains, the bed with bars ( I was disgusted at being in a baby crib ), them giving me toys to play with that weren't mine, them waking me up all the time to give me fluids, trying to bathe me in a tin bath that was too

So logically, after a surgery where your body is already going to have a lot of damage to repair, why not just give it a bit extra, so the surgeons can have some fun?

8. I haven't read beautiful creatures, but the other two books mentioned are basically unreadable drivel, even worse than Twilight. You can make a good movie from a bad book, but it's a lot harder to convince people that watching those movies are a good idea. The Host had basically no plot - it never goes anywhere,