
Someone above already addressed that point with you. Have you tried what I recommended yet?

Yes, most snakes kill you before you eat them, but few kill you afterwards.

"Of course, we'll see huge storms. The question is why, and for how long. And if these storms act to cool the earth via increased snowfall / airborne particulates, then what?"

But now it's out there, in the universe. And someone is going to go ahead and get paid for it at some point, even if it's not you. Because it's too evil genius not to exist.

You are so evil.

I'm pretty sure I read a study fairly recently that said that if you're asking people how good they are at something, in most cases they're going to overestimate, because they lack the requisite knowledge of the field to accurately assess their skills. It's only once you start to know a bit, you realize how much you

Yay for boobs, butts and really bad anatomy in a lot of these. Some have arms that aren't the same length, some have dislocated heads, almost all of them have gravity defying spherical breasts and ew at the ones that descend closer to soft porn than art. Dan DeCarlo's Jetta by stardriv has probably the worst anatomy

In animation (and film) the way you tell the story isn't just by plot, character or dialogue. It's also by the things you see on the screen. An animator is equivalent to an actor - they're the ones doing all the things that make the characters appealing to the audience. Effects aren't just for shiny, they're for

I see what you did there :)

My thing is yeah, even if it IS part of a natural cycle, were you around for the last time the earth was this warm and warming? No? Then how do you know it's not going to have a big cumulative effect on us as a species. Yeah, sure, the earth is probably going to be fine, but that's no guarantee that WE are. You can

I think partly it's that he's all these contrasts - he plays a lot of badass kind of characters, and then you see him in interviews and he's like the nicest guy ever - the prior GNS he was on with Chris Pine, and Graham went around his audience trying to find whose fans had come the furthest to see Benedict/Chris..

Unless you're Dick Cheney level evil, no you don't deserve it. Pedophile? Serial Killer? Rapist? If the answer to those questions is no, and I'm guessing it probably is, then no, you don't deserve it. Everyone deserves to live a decent life. We've all done horrible, shitty things in our lives - the measure of who you

So you're saying I should date jobless losers and only those, because that would make me not a whore?

Have you seen Doomsday Castle yet? It's absolutely amazing. Totally the best show of the bunch. Literally a guy who has a half built castle, and gets his grown bratty children to come live with him and help him finish it, while he 'tests' them with different scenarios like raids etc, and they all fight all the time

Things like this comment thread are why I still read io9.

Wow, did you really just call me a whore because I support myself and am not interested in money? Even ignoring the insult, can you explain to me the logic of calling someone who isn't interested in money a whore? Maybe you aren't aware of what the word actually refers to, which given your clearly limited capacity for

Maybe Urbanity would work better than Urbanicity? Just a thought.

I don't care how much money a man I date makes, I do care that he has some plan and/or way to support himself now and in the future, just like I do. I'm not looking for a sugar daddy, but equally, I'm nobody's sugar momma. But do I care if someone is rich? No. Money is fantastically unimportant to me.

Uh, What?