
I get every single graph except this one. Why are we considering McDonald's restaurants specifically? Do they have some weird uber-grease that will leave a residue in the bedrock? Wait, scratch that, never mind, they probably do.

Not if you feed the 3 year old some tasty syrupy fake blood first :p

Do some homemade fake blood using only edible ingredients.. I know there are recipes out there that call for corn syrup, for example. Corn syrup, red and black food coloring, maybe some jello powder, and you'd have a fairly acceptable and baby safe fake blood, so it wouldn't matter if she ate any, and would actually

I've done 3d modeling and sculpting.. I think overall the 3d modeling is slightly less time consuming, and it's a lot easy to make iterative changes, which is impossible or difficult in physical sculpting.

Is Hitler too obvious an add? He's in everything, including Misfits.

I really wanted them to do smarter things with the characters.. SPOILERS...

I'm with you on The Empty Child. First time around it was truly creepy in a way that Blink never quite managed, and Midnight, eh, didn't scare me at all.

But is it worth watching at all? I've tried more than once and haven't made it more than two episodes in.. On the surface it seems like something I should love, but it's just so AWFUL.. Is there a place I can start where it doesn't suck?

I stopped watching a couple seasons ago (right through the one with the leviathan/black gunk all season long).. is it worth going back to?

Indeed.. Muwahahahaha.

The communicating science thing is something I really wish I could figure out too - I'm an ex-physicist animator, and one of the things on my to-do list is figure out how to explain science to people in a way that will lead to them actually understanding it and not being afraid of it. I'm actually fairly good at the

A few years ago I used to be really into a game that had a dual economic system - it was an early adopter of the microcurrency game model, and did so far more successfully than later models, because it recognized that money=time. The idea behind it was that there were two forms of currency in the game. The first type,

The funny thing about singularity is the fact that it refers to more than one possible thing..

I completely defeated it.. My results gave me a bunch of places I've never lived, like Utah. The only time I went near Utah, I drove straight through it without even stopping for gas.

What kind of IQ tests do the scientific community decide overwhelmingly are accurate? I mean, you know there's more than one kind, right?

You know how IMAX is always trying to convince you that seeing a movie in IMAX is an experience?

He also had the tribe of Universal monsters all together chasing Bart - the common ones, as well as like, the creature from the black lagoon.

The weird thing about this to me was the fact that they got monkeys for scientific research. The Nazi regime as a whole wasn't averse to experimenting on actual humans if they wanted to know what would happen to a human in x, y or z situation. They would literally experiment people to death, for example our best

Yeah, as an animator, I was like "why would you do that to yourself" when I read that at the end... more blown away by that than the content of the video almost.

Yes, why would we need to worry about science and long term plans for the future, as well as incremental gains for the world of today? That seems so ridiculously long-sighted. Instead, we should worry more about things like global warming, which NASA has nothing to do with studying and is an imminent threat.. oh wait,