
And for everyone else who actually bothered to read the article, not a hoax.

The thing is.. you can't defend against this kind of behavior, and it's actually ludicrous to try. The odds of getting killed by terrorism are ridiculously low, and yet because of the high profile nature of incidents like these, people freak out about them a lot. If deaths from car accidents were reported on the news

Um, you do know that research has actually shown that if you own a gun, you're more likely to get shot than if you do not.

From what I've read elsewhere, I believe that you tend to veer based on your dominant side, so most people being right handed, will veer in the same direction. One theory about the tendency is that we give incrementally more weight to our dominant side's decisions, and thus take slightly longer steps on that side, for

I was thinking about this sort of thing just this week. I went on a field trip to an amazing vfx/special effects house, that had literally hundreds of maquettes and models from 20+ years of amazing movies. A lot of my classmates spent the trip taking pictures of literally everything, but I deliberately didn't, even

Right? The cool thing is that you can literally repeat the scans perfectly every single time, because the scanner is looking at specific coordinates you tell it to, versus a flatbed which doesn't have the same kind of control. I remember it being a bit of a pain though, because at the time the system I was using was

I have before.. They're useful if you want very accurate repeatable coordinates for your scans.. I was doing it for a scientific research project, but the same necessity applies for something like this I'm sure.

Worthwhile social interactions are almost impossible to find the smarter your default is, I think.. I just can't spend my time talking about inane crap. I can get inanity on the internet, tyvm.

Stay away, there are plenty of other really great urban fantasy books out there without resorting to the degradation that is AB.. Try CE Murphy's Urban Shaman series (so much sexier despite having about 0.0001% of the sex scenes).. or if you like vampires, the Chicago Vampires books by Chloe Neill are my current

But she IS Anita.. right? Long curly hair, insanity?

Yeah, her books went seriously downhill.. They were good to book five, readable to book 10, and then completely unreadable after that. They're basically book-long orgies with some whining in between now, and the biggest focus is on what each character is wearing, all the time.

Nuhuh, I want the rest of the "Tomorrow When the War Began" movies first.. the books are awesome, and I loved the first movie.

It's not that difficult. I'm british and I've lived in america since I was 21. Very few people pick up on my accent now, and it's really only on a couple of words that they ever notice it. If I wanted to pass for american completely, I could.

You can still distinguish them, but babies practice mimicking the sounds they hear, not the ones they do not. If you study babies babbling (as some people are wont to do) you find that up to a certain age, they make all possible phoneme sounds, but as they get older they start to limit the sounds to the ones they hear

I've read them.. I read a lot, so I tend to just churn through books like they're butter or something, heh. They're alright. Definitely not in the 'burn it with fire' category that I'd put Twilight in, but as someone else said, not as great as io9 makes out. Other possible choices in similar veins would be The Maze

I fit all those requirements (ish - I'm 35).. I'd be ok with getting married to honeymoon there...

The storyline I really want to see that yesterday sort of implied was possible, as horrible as it would be, is Angie? (sorry, blank on her name?) deciding that the only way she can stay safe in the world she's in is perhaps to rely on Junior's crazy to keep her safe. It wouldn't be a nice story, but it is a reality

And the world is poorer for it.

I believe that trilogy is technically not supposed to be set in the future, it's more of an extrapolated present series of books. Yes, some of the things don't exist, but I believe he intended to make them more about the present than the future, if that makes sense.