
Yes, I chose the first result as a reference. Please feel free to find ANY source that says your interpretation is actually the correct one. I didn't need to google to know you were incorrect, not sure why you're still arguing about it. As someone who has studied etymology, yes I am aware that language changes, but

There will never be a time when we don't need smart-asses, internet or other.

I'm actually working on a project right now to reconstruct a similar theater in 3D, to show both it's current state and something approximating what it looked like in it's youth. It's fascinating to me, and the design of some of these buildings is just breathtaking, so sad that they're all just derelict.. The trouble

Actually, that's a British/American spelling change, which can be attributed to Webster (of dictionary fame), in England the correct spelling is still Colour. Your mistake is a common one, where many people hear a phrase and never really think about what they're hearing. When you're saying "one and the same" you're

The phrase is "one and the same", just fyi.

Especially lucky she's not wearing red, too.

Nowadays the terms SFX and VFX are used to imply different methodologies. E.g. if I'm creating a shot that has an explosion, I would call it SFX if I actually made something physically explode, and VFX if the explosion only ever existed inside my computer. It's really just a way to sort of clarify the difference

Sci-fi mystery writers should maybe start looking at ongoing cop-mystery shows that have more arc structures - where yes, there's a mystery of the week that gets solved each episode, but there's also an ongoing story.. Hell, take a look at something like dexter and how that works with the big baddies and mysteries,

Das Boot is a war movie that to me doesn't glorify anything.. it's so.. claustrophobic, that I think it accurately portrays the greyness of war..

Not really that hard.. level ten took me a couple of tries..

I think at some point in TSCC they call him John Reese, too..

A societal disconnect between the brain and the body maybe... objectifying either gender will also lead to weird consequences for the other.. I don't know, really, just speculation.

I think it's about the relationship between society and women.. when you're objectified, you also in some sense become sacred and therefore taboo..

It's good, but it's not as good as some other student work I've seen, nor is it as polished as the author here suggests.. the walk in the beginning alone could use another pass - just because they're walking on snow doesn't mean the character's feet should be sliding.

Braces aren't a permanent thing - and also happen when a kid is old enough to at least know what's going on. They also don't affect a child's perception of self in the same way that choosing whether that child is a boy or a girl does. Of course something like being intersexed has a potential for emotional damage - but

I think the issue at stake here is that fact that neither parents NOR any other entity standing in loco parentis has the right to decide on what is essentially cosmetic surgery, rather than medically necessary surgery, without the consent of the child. Would you find it acceptable for a baby to have breast implants

Does someone need to have the conversation about the difference between boy cows and girl cows?

Yeah, I love this movie too, despite how under appreciated it seems to be, I watch it probably about once a year.. sure, there are things that could be better, but there's a lot to love, too.

Have you looked into the tiny house movement? There are ways you can get around having to rent huge places, even if there are laws on the books against houses being too small (there are in many states, but do not apply to things with wheels).. A lot of people have started building their own tiny houses utilizing basic

The UK has free birth control, easily obtainable even for a teenager without a parent's permission. Rates of abortion are lower than the US, despite not having a lot of complex laws against abortion (as there are in the states). Funny how, when the state is paying for all medicine, it becomes a good risk to pay for