
" Would you say if he was a hetero married to his wife, if he never had sexual relations with her, yet molested boys up until 2010, do you actually think a track record of exclusive same sex relations for 17 years actually makes Sandusky gay ? "

I actually think this is happening organically anyway. I'm aware of the language history you talk about, and the fact that essentially, up to the introduction of the first dictionaries, (I'm looking at you Samuel Johnson) people did essentially spell phonetically, or according to however they felt on that particular

Why? By their own definitions it won't really be rape..

Is it wrong that I really want to get a strap on, and go find these guys, and illegitimately rape them? Just so they, you know, get the damn point already?


Would depend entirely on when you're planning on visiting. I don't want to go through the 80's again for example, they were horrific enough the first time around.

I would like to inform you that with this comment, you have officially won the internets. Congratulations.

Yeah, me too.. right of left is right, surely? or center at the best?

Color grading is your friend, Io9 video makers.

Yeah, pretty much the same here.. hate the new comment system, and the headline made no sense related to the article.

I can't actually believe this is real. I watch the video, and I just think someone is having me on, somehow.

The weird thing is, that even among fairly well read people in the scifi genre, a lot have never read any Le Guin, or in some cases even heard of her, yet to me, she's definitely someone who refutes the idea that all genre fiction is bad writing.

There's a really interesting Ted talk on this very subject.

There's another Clarke book, written with Stephen Baxter, called "The Light of Other Days" -

Did hatmakers frequently suffer from STD's? I mean, that one has a fire-ey crotch if I've ever seen one.

You're missing the fact that this blog is based in Scotland, and thus social programs are different between there and the U.S. I understand it's hard to look carefully at facts when your eyes are clouded by righteous indignation, but try. Also, the sandwich you described is hardly a healthy option. Bologna, bread,

This is awesome, but the right elbow position is a bit odd to me. It feels sort of awkward, and distracts me from the rest of the painting.

Totally. Btw, how is the dyslexia lately?

Why did my brain insert an i into the last word in your sentence? We may never know.